Meditation for Studying

Here are two guided meditation audios with scripts, one is 10 minutes and the other one is 20 minutes long.

Copyright Notice: We own the commercial rights for these meditations and scripts. You may not make recordings or reproduce these meditations, except for your personal, private use.

Guided Meditation for Studying: 10 Minutes (Set to Binaural Beats – Gamma Wave)

Meditation Script for Studying

Begin this meditation by sitting in a chair with your feet planted firmly on the floor. {ace your palms in your lap facing downwards and bring your spine into straight alignment.

When you’re ready softly close your eyes. Begin by taking a deep inhale through your nose, feeling your stomach expand first and then your chest…and when you’re ready, powerfully exhale through your mouth, forcing all of the air out of your lungs.

At the end of that breath do this again, inhaling very deeply, letting your stomach expand and them your chest and hold it at the top. Again whenever you feel ready let it all go with a powerful exhale through your mouth.

Finally, one more deep cleansing inhale through your nose, stomach, and chest fully expanding, holding at the top…and when you’re ready just let it all go through your mouth. At the end of this exhale, just breathe at a pace that is comfortable for you – in through your nose and out through your mouth. And as you do this, pay attention to your ribcage, by having it expand on the inhales and contract on the exhales.

And as you breathe that way, allow your awareness to drift down into the soles of your feet. Imagine thick tree roots growing out from the soles of your feet, pushing through the floor, and out into the Earth…anchoring down…see them grow deep, at least 100 feet into the Earth.

And once you feel really anchored down, bring awareness to your spine and again ensure that it is in straight alignment. Each vertebra stacked on top of the other…

And as you focus on this image, a shimmering white light flowing from the base of your spine all the way up into the top of your head. As the light reaches the top of your head, you imagine this light flowing through your brain. You see it lighting up various neurons, sending white and gold healing energy to your brain, so that it may function at its fullest.

This may cause a tingling sensation. Trust and know that you are sending healing, loving energy to your brain to help it focus, to help it study, to help it stay active so that you may concentrate as you study.

Continue to allow this white and golden light to swirl throughout every cell in your brain, and as you do, envision yourself sitting before your books, or before your computer or whatever else you’re studying with. And imagine a white light flowing from your brain to the object you are studying and back to your brain.

Feel this connection between you and the content you are studying, and notice the love that exists in the space between you and the space of that which you are studying. In the white light between the two of you, all there is, is universal love. Connecting to this makes everything easier.

It makes everything lighter and more fun.

Envision yourself studying with ease; flowing through all the content that you need to.

As you see yourself doing this, notice the difference it’s making in your brain, as you see the white and golden light flowing throughout every neuron inside of your brain.

Feel yourself making great strides as you go through your content, learning, and growing.

See yourself having fun. See it coming to you easily.

See yourself engaging effortlessly in dialogue with others about this content.

Feel yourself having a deep grasp of the content you are studying. Enough so that it is easy for you to apply the knowledge and to share it with others. See yourself as already understanding everything you are studying and applying it to the world around you.

And as you do feel that energy in your brain begin to flow down through your face, your neck, your shoulders, your arms, allowing this knowledge to permeate every cell in your being as the light continues to flow down into your elbows, your forearms, your hands and all the way into your fingers.

The light continues to wash down into your chest, all throughout your ribcage, and your abdomen…entering out through your hips, flowing down through your thighs,and your knees, all the way down through your calves and into the soles of your feet…where this enlightened energy connects to the roots that are anchored deep into the Earth.

Feel yourself as eager and ready to begin your studies with ease, and with a keen focus and awareness.

And take this feeling with you as you slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and your toes and whenever you are ready, open your eyes to the room around you so that you may get back to your studies.

Meditation for Studying: 20 Minutes

Meditation Script for Studying

Welcome to this relaxing meditation to enhance the art of studying.

Making sure you are in a very comfortable position, let the outside world fade away from your awareness for the duration of this session. Take a nice deep breath in, and as you exhale, close your eyes.

Let’s begin by meditating on the nature of studying.

Studying is not only reserved for academic students, but it is also a lifelong habit. Nesting within studying are valuable skills, opportunities, and endless growth.


One does not only study at school. Life can become a study… The study of art and music…

While meditating you are studying the process of your thoughts. You are studying yourself, the dimensions of your thoughts, and consciousness, the spaciousness of your soul, the constant communication within you happening between the body, and the mind.

Right now, study the nature of your thinking… observe your thoughts as if you were a scientist studying their subject.


What notes can you take down about what you were aware of?


Meditation is the art of studying yourself…. Do this now…


What new things did you learn within the privacy of silence?


Studying for an exam or a test must be given the same respect… so right now, imagine that you are preparing to study. Find a comfortable place, where you will not be disturbed for the duration of your studying stretch… just as you have done for this session….


Make sure to eliminate the chance of any distractions… see yourself now having the drive to go all into your study, without steering away to social media, or other unrelated things on the internet…


Returning back to your point of focus in studying… can you notice any patterns within what you are needing to learn?


Seeing the patterns within your study is a clever way to remember something…


Making a song or rhythm to learning new vocabulary is another wonderful trick to make the words stick in your mind…


Also, can you align your course of study with a long-term goal?


See the bigger picture, what you are studying right now may cause a chain reaction in pushing you towards your aspirations.


As you are studying, clearly visualize what you dream of becoming from the work you are putting in right now…


It may be difficult to push through this study time if all you can see is the information you are currently learning… but imagine further down the road… that version of you feeling passionate about your accomplishments, and all the hard work and dedication you put into the studying…


What you are doing right now has so much meaning for your future…


Set aside the time you consider precious for studying… get a nice tea or coffee to accompany you… perhaps put on some music that calms or inspires you…


Make studying a sacred experience… because it deserves your respect


Even if you are studying something that you don’t feel passionate, let alone interested in, trust that in the long run, it is worth your time to invest your mental efforts in the meaningfulness of study.


Compare this current form of mental concentration in the context to your larger life accomplishments… Not only now, but in the future.


Studying can be difficult, and even grueling, but step back and see the bigger picture… what will come from all this study?…


Allow the sense of accomplishment from your current dedication to studying to take root within your life… you are sowing the seeds of aspirations… nurturing them through undistracted study skills…


Now, fast forward months or even years past this current studying you are doing… see the details of your life and how your dedication led to these results…


Have you attained your dreams, and are planning even more future accomplishments?


Studying is training for a better life… it takes dedication… persistence… focus… a strong inner will… and you have it… all you need to do it take action.


There are several ways of viewing studying on a smaller level that also serves to benefit you.

One of these is setting smaller, short term goals as well…

Once studying is connected to your long-term vision for yourself, you simply need to set smaller goals for while you are studying within this journey. You can do this by picking a day of the week to journal or write down your goals.

Let’s say you choose Sunday. Create a habit of writing down what you wish to achieve within the next seven days, every Sunday….


Each time you accomplish a task, scratch through it as a mini celebration…


Now let’s discuss your duration of studying…. be realistic, but challenge yourself. How much time can you study for, uninterrupted?


How long is a reasonable time to study before you need a 5-minute break that is void of the topic of study?


Some suggest 25 minutes of uninterrupted study, then a 5-minute break before returning… this is a helpful balance.


It is also helpful to create a not-to-do list… meaning listing out those things that are distracting when attempting to study… such as cell phones, social media, or being in a busy place with lots of action around…


Whatever doesn’t work for you, or does, make a list or a note about it…


With all that has been said, is there anything you could add that ultimately helps your studying? Perhaps daily exercise… Meditation… eating well… study what you need on a daily basis in order to thrive.


The practice of all these things, when aligned with your future vision for yourself, comes much easier to you than when not. And when incorporated with study, you find that they benefit you holistically, as a being whose mind, body, spirit are interconnected to each of your actions.

And remember, most of all, have fun.

Allow your awareness to return to the present moment, and gently open your eyes, with a fresh new perspective on studying.

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