Getting to the truth of a matter is seldom as easy as asking a person about something or being present at a particular juncture. People lie every day and sometimes about the most mundane things.
Interestingly, men and women tend to tell different lies but with the same frequency. Women most often lie to make someone else feel better while men lie to make themselves appear better. So truth spells should be crafted with this difference in mind.
We might not even know the truth of something even when we were right there, watching the event unfold. After all, the intentions of the participants are hidden to us unless we have psychic powers.
Sometimes, we don’t disclose the truth about an incident because we don’t remember correctly even when we are doing the action ourselves. One study asked how many cigarettes were smoked while they were being filmed. Many participants misremembered the number, leading to the general doubt cast upon eye-witness testimonies.
So if we are a species that lies, what then is the truth we are so determined to uncover? Truth can refer to our authenticity, as in the phrase be true to oneself. Truth is also defined as that which aligns with reality. Truth implies the idea of sincerity as well.
What Are Truth Spells?
Truth spells are incantations that are designed to force someone to reveal the truth about something. Although there is a general belief that learning the truth about something is a good thing, truth spells are technically black magic because they manipulate the free will of another person, whatever the intention is.
Truth spells may be simple spoken incantations or can involve herbs, runes, poppets, candles, or other magical tools. Blue, purple, and white candles are the most common colors used for truth spells. A bindrune for truth can be made up of Tiwaz, Ansuz, and Nauthiz. Nauthiz is the compelling factor, Ansuz represents speaking, and Tiwaz stands for truth.
Truth Spells and Rituals
Truth spells work best when they are created by the caster specific to the person and situation where truth is desired. Therefore, none of the rituals have a set spell listed. You’ll need to create your own.
Truth Spells with Candles
Carve the person’s name who you believe is untruthful on a purple or orange candle. Then place the candle on a truth sigil or rune. Recite the truth spell, personalized with the name of the individual. Burn a smudge stick made from marjoram for added effectiveness.
This truth spell uses purple and white candles and is best cast on the night of the full moon. First, draw Laguz, Ansuz, and Dagaz runes or the AWEN symbol on a piece of paper. Fold up a bluebell flower in the paper. Bluebells have long been thought to be compellors of truth.
Place the paper between the purple and white candles and cast the spell. Blow the candles out. Get the paper with the bluebell flower someplace the person you wish to affect will come in contact with. Ask your questions after the person has touched the spell imbued paper.
Another truth spell uses a white candle and a photograph of the person you want to tell the truth. Light the candle at night. Then, position the picture in front. Speak the incantation using the person’s name. Blow out the candle. In the morning, repeat the process. Continue with the spellwork until you can ascertain he or she is speaking the truth.
When casting a truth spell, keep in mind that you will also be bound to tell the truth during the active period. Also, you may not like the information that is revealed to you, so be sure you really must know before using one of these methods.
Using a Poppet
This truth-divining ritual includes the use of a poppet, a doll created in the likeness of the intended target. As you make the poppet, add rose petals, thyme, and any personal items from the individual the poppet represents, like fingernail clippings, hair, or scraps of clothing to the stuffing.
Make the eyes and mouth with thread and name the poppet out loud. Light a white candle. As it burns, remove the mouth stitches while speaking the truth spell you’ve written. As you pull out the stitches, burn them with the candle.
Using a Truth Jar
Place the photograph of the person you believe is dishonest, some calamus root, graveyard dirt, and salt into a jar. Close the lid and shake it violently while reciting a compulsion spell. Repeat the spell nine times.
For additional motivation, if you will, heat the jar in a pot of boiling water as you demand the truth by spell casting. Repeat the entire ritual as many times as you need until the truth is revealed.
What is the Difference Between a Truth Spell and a Truth Serum?
A spell is an incantation that may include objects or ritualistic movements. Spells are based on the desire of the caster to bring about some sort of change. In the case of truth spells, the magic practitioner wants to find out the actual events or intentions of another.
Truth serum is a potion designed to get to the bottom of things. After a person has ingested a truth potion, he or she is believed not to be able to speak an untruth when asked direct questions. A truth serum does not need to be administered by a magic-user for it to be effective.
How to Make a Truth Serum
Since you want to get to the unadulterated truth, begin with purified water. Add extra virgin olive oil to the water for purity. A drop or two of elderberry essential oil for hidden wisdom, horehound for mental clarity and illusion dispelling, and Juniper leaf for truth revelation is also required.
You could also add some wild lettuce to induce a trance-like state for severe cases. Thyme can also be used to promote loyalty and affection, prompting the other to give you full disclosure.
A drop or two of this serum in someone’s drink might get you the information you are looking for. Please be sure that the intended recipient does not have any allergies to any of the ingredients before administering it.
Yerba mate, a South American drink made from the leaves and branches of the Ilex paraguariensis plant, can be used as the basis of another truth potion. Add a bit of apple for wisdom and rosemary for clarity or marigold for prophesy and primrose for secret disclosures. After all, determining if someone is telling the truth or not can be quite tricky, and you’ll need all the magician assistance you can get.
Sharing the drink, as is customary in many countries, with the person that you wish to learn something about can strengthen the potency by promoting a bond between the two of you.
One more herbal infusion for truth-telling involved a crushed bluebell plant, a teaspoon of clary sage, a pinch of licorice, a pinch of sweet flag, and seven drops of sandalwood. Clary sage is often associated with truth-telling, while licorice and sweet flag are compelling herbs.
To recap, herbs and plants that you may want to include in a truth potion include:
- Clary sage
- Licorice
- Sweet flag
- Sandalwood
- Bluebell flower
- Apple
- Primrose
Methods and Substances that Determine the Truth that Aren’t Magically Endowed
Several means have been used throughout history to determine whether a person is telling the truth or not, such as body language or polygraphs.
Other methods, like psychedelic drugs and torture, have been used to force the truth from someone. In general, none of these means are foolproof, although still commonly employed in efforts to find out the truth.
Body Language
Anyone can tell you they can spot a liar a mile away by their body language. But is that true? Most people throughout the world insist that liars avert their eyes. However, studies have shown that people avert their gaze just as often when telling the truth.
Other clues supposedly thought to indicate dishonesty include shifting body movement, looking to the left, playing with their hair, or covering their mouth. However, in general, we aren’t that adept at picking out a lie. Furthermore, those that lie intentionally exhibit far fewer of these body language clues than those that accidentally misspeak.
Therefore, interpreting body language after a truth spell has been cast may not be a reliable way to gauge the effectiveness of the incantation.
A polygraph is also known as a lie detector test. It is a device that records skin conductivity, respiration, pulse, and blood pressure of a person who is being asked to answer a series of questions. The idea behind its use is that deceptive answers have physiological responses that differ from truthful answers.
In general, scientists have determined that polygraphs are inaccurate in detecting falsehoods.
No evidence proves a particular pattern of physical reactions will occur if someone is attempting to deceive another person.
Several psychedelic drugs have been classified as truth serums with mixed results. These substances include ethanol, scopolamine, 3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, midazolam, flunitrazepam, sodium thiopental, and amobarbital.
Those who have been given these drugs have been shown to become extraordinarily suggestible and compliant. This altered state leads to the low credibility of what is said under their influence. Results are not consistent and, therefore, not admissible in the court of law.
Studies done using these so-called truth serums indicate that those who have been given these drugs might be more forthcoming or might be able to resist revealing too much to some extent. Generally, the information obtained was full of garbled speech, fantasy, and deception.
Both the European Court of Human Rights and the Inter-American Convention to Prevent and Punish torture consider the administration of truth serums to be a violation of human rights and a form of torture. Your truth spell should not include any of these substances.
Throughout history, torture has been used as a method to force someone to confess. Unfortunately, what someone says after being tortured is no more likely to be true than what he or she said before torture. And even if it is a lie, those that are doing the interrogation are subject to the same fallacies as everyone else. They just can’t tell when someone is lying.
Since coercion, whether through torture or the administration of truth serums, is a gray area, the decision to cast a truth spell should be carefully considered.
Much less gray is the use of dark spells that cause harm to a person to get to the truth of a matter—a little historical review on the treatment of those believed to be witches in order.
The type of coercion inherent in truth spells, torture, and truth serums was most notable in the hunt for witches. Men, women, and children suspected of practicing witchcraft were subjected to a variety of tests to ascertain the truth, some of which were nothing more than torture.
In just one example, in 1610, Louis Gauffridi was accused of being in league with the devil and seducing nuns. He denied his involvement and was told that he must tell the truth or be tortured. He admitted to having carnal relations with a nun under torture but recanted once the pain ended. Eventually, he is burned alive for his crimes.
Tests Used to Discover the Truth of a Witch
Let’s look at other means in which the righteous felt the truth of the matter concerning a witch could be discovered.
Swimming Test
Accused witches were stripped, bound, and thrown into the nearest body of water to see if they would sink or float. It was believed that an innocent person would sink while a witch would float because the water would reject their unholy body.
Most of the time, the supposed witch had a rope around her body to pull her in after the lie detector test finished. However, that didn’t stop all tested subjects from drowning.
Prayer Test
Witches were believed not able to recite scriptures aloud, so yet another test included selections from the Bible. The accused could not make any mistakes, which would prove that he or she was in league with the devil. However, even flawless recitation was considered a devil’s trick.
Accused sorcerer Reverend George Burroughs was able to recite the Lord’s Prayer without error moments before his execution while standing on the gallows. He was hung anyway.
Touch Test
It was believed that a witch could evoke a specific reaction from the victim of their sorcery. Rose Cullender and Amy Denny were convicted in 1662 after a touch test.
The two girls they were accused of enchanting were blindfolded. When members of the court touched their hands, they unclenched them, believing that it was Ms. Cullender and Ms. Denny touching them. Both women were hanged as witches even when it was evident that the girls were lying about their enchantment.
Witch Cake
The witch cake was made of the urine of a victim of a spell, mixed with rye and ashes. The cake was fed to the supposed witch’s familiar in the hopes that the animal would be compelled to reveal the magic practitioner.
The knowledge of how to make a witch cake was used against one woman. The slave Tituba was condemned to death during the Salem Witch Trials for knowing the process. After being beaten, she named other women as her accomplices. Those women were also murdered.
Pricking and Scratching
Another form of torture and deception was the practice of pricking or scratching a supposed witch. It was believed that those that practiced magic had witch’s marks, which were insensitive to pain and didn’t bleed when pricked.
Witch examiners pricked and stabbed until they found a spot that didn’t bleed or cause pain, thus discovering the true witch. However, often, the needles used were dull and used to identify witches falsely. Louis Gaufridi mentioned previously, was subject to pricking as part of his torture.
Scratching was another test based on the idea that those that were possessed found relief by scratching the spell caster until their skin bled. If the cursed person improved after clawing the accused witch, then it proved the other was in league with the devil.
Pricking and scratching are evidence of the true identity of a person were as truthful as reading a person’s body language to determine body language is today, without all the blood, of course.
Another way to tell a true witch was to have him or her cast a spell that would remove a curse or charge the devil to leave a possessed person alone. The five daughters of Robert Throckmorton were believed to be bewitched by Alice and John Samuel and their daughter Agnes.
To prove their guild, the Samuels were forced to release the girls from their control through an incantation. When the girls recovered immediately, the Samuels were hung as witches.
What Can You Find Out Using a Truth Spell?
Although Veritaserum is reported to be a substance that three drops will suffice to get anyone to tell the truth, the spells and potions that you make may not be as effective.
As we have seen, various methods used to get to the truth have had mixed results. Torture has been used to obtain confessions that were most likely false. Psychedelic substances produce garbled fantasies. Neither the polygraph nor the observation of body language can accurately determine the difference between the truth and a lie.
Therefore, what you find out from the use of a truth spell may or may not be “the truth.” Liars can be sincere in their statements. Events can be misremembered either consciously or unconsciously. Not everyone is susceptible to truth spells, and you may not be able to tell.
If you think it would work, you may capitalize on the placebo effect by telling the person that he or she has just been given a truth potion or is under a truth spell, even if that’s not the case. The placebo effect is when a person’s mind convinces them that the treatment, or in this case the spell, will have a specific result.
To activate the placebo effect, an elaborate ritual that the target sees and believes in is necessary. The incantations and concoctions mentioned above are not complicated. However, you can add incense, waving of the arms, and music to create a more convincing atmosphere.
How to Protect Yourself Against Lies
Perhaps you don’t need a truth spell, but rather a way to protect yourself from lies. A simple protection sachet can be made with a teaspoon of star anise, dried cloves, cinnamon, black peppercorns, and three bay leaves. Once the ingredients are in the sachet, hold it in your hands and visualize a white protective light surrounding it.
You can also use an onion to peel away the lies until the truth is revealed. Cut the top off an onion and insert a pin, representing the truth, in the center. Peel away the outer layer of the onion while visualizing barriers being broken.
Each evening, peel off another layer while meditating on the dispelling of lies. By the time you get to the center, your thoughts will be clear, and you’ll know the truth.
Our subconscious mind may also be the key to finding out the truth. To access it, you’ll need to keep close tabs on your dreams. Spend some time meditating on the issue before you fall asleep. In the morning, record your thoughts and ideas. The answer may be revealed to you in this way.
The difference between the truth and a lie are not as clear as we might like. Using truth spells, truth potions, visualization, and dream recording are all ways that we can influence the powers that be.
Coercing others through other means like torture or psychedelic drugs in our efforts to discover the truth are less positive ways to manipulate people. We learn from history, and the witch hunts, that these methods used to get to the truth harm even innocent people.
No truth spell is foolproof. What we discover after casting may not be what we would have liked to learn. There are layers of truth, just like there are layers of lies, and deciphering one from the other requires commitment and skill.