Isn’t it wonderful to hear someone say thank you for everything you’ve done for them, big or small? But thanking someone can become even more special if you do it through a poem. We compiled some of the sweetest thank you poems to show your gratefulness to someone in a touching and meaningful way. Enjoy!
Thank You Poems
1. Lucky to Have Found You
I feel lucky to have found you,
A friend that is so kind and true,
To lift me up when I am down,
and make me smile when I frown.
It’s hard to find the words to say
just how much I care.
But these will have to do,
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you.
2. My Favorite Things
The spring breeze,
the cool yet warm air,
The buzzing bees,
finding nectar to share,
The beautiful flowers,
and the shining sun.
Relaxing, or dancing, or just having fun.
These are a few of my most favorite things.
Not diamond rings,
though I like them too.
But most of all, when it comes
to the things that I love.
At the top of my list,
there it is, it is you.
3. You’ve Stuck By My Side
You have happily stuck by me
during times I’ve had it rough.
For this and other kindnesses,
I can’t thank you enough.
4. Thank You for Your Kindness
Thank you for your kindness,
it meant so much to me.
You care so much about me,
this is clear to see.
When I think of special,
I always think of you,
And the lovely gifts you give,
and the thoughtful things you do.
Your essence in my life,
is the best gift you can give,
Our friendship will go on,
for as long as we both live.
Thank You.
5. How Can I Say It?
How can I say
how grateful I am of you?
Your kindness and thoughtfulness
is in everything you do.
You make me smile when I am down,
and brighten each and every day.
I will always hold you in my heart,
as we travel down life’s way.
If you ever need me,
I’ll be there when you call.
To hold your hand as youve held mine,
and catch you if you fall.
6. You Have My Thanks
Life is almost like a silly carnival ride.
Because it is best enjoyed
wit h someone great by your side.
Like you.
You have been there for me,
through ups and downs.
Suffered with me,
through my smiles and frowns.
Because you have been
such a dedicated friend
I wanted to know,
you have my thanks,
And my friendship,
till the end.
7. You Always Know What To Do and Say
You always know what to do and say.
To touch my heart and make my day.
You always know the perfect gift.
To give my spirit that extra lift.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness,
you really made me smile.
Thank you most for being you,
with your special style.
May you be blessed with all good things,
and never feel deprived.
May your life be always full of love,
as long as you’re alive.
8. Friendship Thank You Poem
As a kid I bounced from wall to wall,
Tree from tree, atop of them all.
Fearless as I was,
I was even more so blessed.
To have someone like you,
who is simply the best.
Thank you for all the times we played.
Thank you for all the silly things we made.
But most of all,
thank you for being the one.
Who no matter what,
I could always count on.
You have my unconditional thanks.
9. You Brighten Up My World
You brighten up my world,
you always make me smile.
You say the nicest things,
with your special style.
You make me feel so loved,
with everything you do.
And you know just when to do them,
just because you’re you.
Thank you for your gift,
It means so much to me.
When I look more into it,
the love is clear to see.
When love like that is given,
it always comes right back.
May you always have good fortune,
and never live for lack.
10. Times Can Be Rough
Times can been rough,
and times can be great,
But whenever I need you,
you never show up late.
Through thick and thin,
you were always there.
With my friend fit to tackle,
hassle vanished into thin air.
Yes times have been rough,
and times have been great,
But since you stuck with me,
I give you my thanks.
11. So Many Options
A gift? A gift card? A thank you card?
So many options,
yet not one seems good enough.
You see, you have always been there
in my times of need, Always been around to check in on me.
You are the most wonderful person
that I have ever met,
And I must, I absolutely must
Say thank you for that.
12. If I Were a Singer
Thank you for making me laugh,
Even though I thought I couldn’t.
Thank you for making me smile,
Even when I thought I wouldnt.
If I were a singer,
I’d sing you a song.
About how grateful I am,
that you stayed with me all along.
For now, let me just say,
thanks for everything.
And some day, perhaps,
I will learn how to sing.
13. I Just Wanted to Tell You This
Thank you for all that you have done,
You’ve really earned my trust.
You’ve helped me out immensely,
And thanking you, well It’s a must.
I’ve spent many hours, thinking or rhymes.
And finally, ding, Its thank you time.
I just wanted to tell you this, Ok?
Hey friend, thanks.
14. You Have Always Been There for Me
The times we have shared,
the laughs, the success, all of it.
Seems to me an unavoidable proof
that you have always been there for me.
The days to me were once grey, and glum,
And thanks to you, my special friend,
I once again could enjoy
the bright days and the sun,
And laugh and enjoy the times I have ahead.
15. I Appreciate You
Thank you for just being there.
For watching TV with me.
For going places with me.
Thank you for letting me be me.
Thank you for doing all of this and more,
But most of all, thank you for being you.
It is you that comes to mind
when I think of friend.
It is you that comes to mind
when I think of sharing.
It is you that comes to mind
when I think of appreciation.
Because I appreciate you.
16. Multiply My Thanks
For what you have done,
for what you have said,
For what you have helped me with,
thanks seem not enough.
I want only to tell you one simple phrase,
Yet I feel the need to ensure
that the emotion is conveyed.
If I could just say it, and ask you, please,
multiply my thanks by infinity.
17. As We Begin life’s Journey
It is hard to appreciate,
That which shines without fail,
That seems to follow,
Its own supernatural law,
Come rain or shine,
Rising over the horizon,
Always the same.
It’s hard to appreciate the strength it takes,
To be someone who always holds out,
For better from the universe,
It’s hard to appreciate your kindness,
But somehow I must.
18. Thank You
By: Joanna Fuchs
I really appreciate you,
Your helpful, giving ways,
And how your generous heart
Your unselfishness displays.
I thank you for your kindness,
I will not soon forget.
You’re one of the nicest people
I have ever met.
19. You Didn’t Have To
By: Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for what you did,
You didn’t have to do it.
I’m glad someone like you
Could help me to get through it.
I’ll always think of you
With a glad and grateful heart,
You are very special
I knew it from the start.
20. Priceless
By: Joanna Fuchs
In a distracted world,
full of barely controlled chaos,
when you lock your eyes onto mine,
focusing, listening, hearing, caring,
the comfort and pleasure you create
is priceless.
21. It Doesn’t Seem Enough
By: Joanna Fuchs
I want to tell you, thank you,
But it doesn’t seem enough.
Words don’t seem sufficient
Blah, blah and all that stuff.
Please know I have deep feelings
About your generous act.
I really appreciate you,
You’re special, and that’s a fact.
22. Thank You for Being You
By: Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for the gift your kindness.
Thank you for being the person you are,
kind and thoughtful,
sensitive and considerate,
a generous and thoughtful giver.
You are unselfish always,
putting others before yourself,
making me/us feel special and important.
It is a privilege and a pleasure to know you.
23. For All You Do
By: Karl and Joanna Fuchs
Thank you so much for all you do,
You’re truly a delight,
When my life overwhelms and does me in,
You make everything all right.
24. I Appreciate You
By: Joanna Fuchs
You are a person
who makes life easier and better
for everyone around you.
Your continual acts
of thoughtfulness
and kindness
brighten each day.
What you did for me
will glow in my memory,
reviving pleasant feelings
every time I think about it.
I appreciate you,
and I thank you.
25. Priorities
By: Joanna Fuchs
Thank you
for thinking of me
and then wondering
how you could help.
Thank you
for doing what you did,
instead of being too busy,
or just forgetting about it.
Thank you
For inking me
on your priority to-do list,
when you have
so many other things to do,
I am honored,
It meant a lot to me.
Thank you.
26. Your Loving Heart
By: Joanna Fuchs
You touch my life with your kindness;
You know just what I need.
Your loving heart shows its caring
In your every thought and deed.
27. You Made My Day
By: Joanna Fuchs
I appreciate your kindness
More than words can say,
The very nice thing you did for me
Really made my day
28. You Care About People
By: Joanna Fuchs
You care about people
and it shows.
You are generous with your time,
giving of your energy,
lavish with your unselfish deeds.
I will remember your kindness to me.
Thank you for brightening my world
with your thoughtfulness.
It really meant a lot.
29. Thanks for the Good Times
By: Karl Fuchs
Thank you for the good times,
The days you filled with pleasure.
Thank you for fond memories,
And for feelings I’ll always treasure.
30. Lovely Gift
By: Karl Fuchs
Wow, thank you for the lovely gift,
It’s something I would choose.
It gave my spirits quite a lift,
It’s something I will use.
It’s special. Thanks.
31. Special Gift
By: Karl Fuchs
This is just to let you know
How special your gift made me feel.
It shows me how very thoughtful you are,
Your gift to me was ideal.
32. Thoughtful Gift
By: Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for the lovely gift,
You didn’t have to do it.
You have a good and gracious heart,
But then, I always knew it.
I love this, and I think of you
With fondness and with pleasure,
The gift is great, but even more,
It’s your thoughtfulness I treasure.
33. Gift Lift
By: Joanna Fuchs
Thank you for this wonderful gift.
You always give me such a lift,
Thank you for your thoughtful ways,
Thank you for brightening all my days.
34. You Gave So Much To Me
By: Joanna Fuchs
Mom and dad, I wonder if
You know how much I care.
I got the good things, all I have,
Because you both were there.
I thank you for the time you spent,
Doing all you did.
You help me now, you helped me then,
When I was just a kid.
Unselfish, giving, loving, more,
You gave so much to me.
Without you, mom and dad, I don’t
Know what on earth I’d be.
Thank you for the way you are,
Like angels from above,
I thank you both for everything,
And give you all my love.
35. You Should Know
By: Abby Heard
I don’t know how to say this,
but I thank you very much
for always being there for me,
your gentle, friendly touch.
Thank you.
You helped me to get better
and stop what I regret.
You helped me through the hard times
that I can’t forget.
Thank you.
You listened to my problems
in a kind and caring way,
and without you,
I may not be smiling today.
Thank you.
I trust you with my secrets
that no one has been told.
I trust you with my feelings, and I’ll remember your words
until I’m grey and old.
Thank you.
36. I’m Glad I Have A Friend Like You
By: Nicole J. Van Oss
It started out as just a hug and grew into a kiss,
A friendship that had blossomed up to more than I could wish.
You are my shining star at night, you help me find my way.
You are my inspiration directing me each day.
See, when I fall and need a hand, you always pick me up,
And when I cry and need a friend, you’re there no matter what.
I wish I were just like you, strong hearted, brave, and sweet.
I’m glad I have a friend like you to make my life complete.
37. You’re Always There For Me
By: Crysta M. Davis
You’re always there when I need a hand,
Pushing me, helping me.
You’re there when I need a shoulder
To cry on, to lie on.
You’re there when I need to talk,
At sunrise, at sunset.
You will never know what you mean to me.
We will never know how our friendship became so deep.
They will never know all the secrets that we keep.
Our friendship will always be
Because you’re my best friend.
You’re always there for me.
38. A True Friend
By: Jenna
My life has not been easy.
Hard times, I’ve seen my share.
Through trials and tribulations,
you were always standing there.
You lent an ear and gave a hand
and always seemed to understand.
At times when I was torn and weak
and could not bear the stress,
you always gave your all to me,
never any less.
To you I’m always grateful for all that we have shared,
for standing right beside me, showing that you cared.
39. I Want To Thank You Again
By: Janelle J. James
To me, you’re like an angel, sent by God above,
To cleanse my soul of sadness and fill it with love.
You are my inspiration, and I want to thank you,
For without you, I don’t know what I would do.
You’ve changed my life around
And turned my frown upside down.
You have shown me the way,
So that I will never stray.
For this I want to thank you again
For staying close by and being a friend.
And to end this off, I just wanted to say
That if you need a friend,
I’ll be there till the very end.
40. A Tribute To The Beautiful Women I Know
By: Na DSa
To all you beautiful women who have been part of my life,
I am glad you shared in my joys and supported me in moments of strife.
On you, may God’s abundant blessings pour,
And when, like me, solace you need, a helping hand may He send to your door.
Women, because of each of you, I am the kind of person you see today.
You played an important part at some stage, in some way.
Your words of advice and encouragement or just a listening ear
Have helped me move forward and to get rid of many a fear.
I am now blessed to help other women, who beyond their pain can’t see,
By giving them what I received from you, thus saving them from the fate that theirs could be.
Women, on this special occasion, and for each and every day,
Good health, joy, and happiness be showered on you and your loved ones, for this I kneel to pray.
41. Friend
By: Lisa Asmo
You’re a very special person.
I’m glad that you’re my friend,
For when I need a little advice,
You always have some to lend.
You help me when I am troubled,
Feeling down and out,
I never have to say what’s wrong.
You seem to know what I’m all about.
I can always tell you my feelings
Without having you put me down.
You’re the person I can turn to
When no one else is around.
I can cry on your shoulder
When things are going wrong.
You give me a smile
And help me to be strong.
You seem to understand me.
After all that we’ve gone through,
I only have one thing to say,
Thanks for being you.
42. Thank You
By: Tyeisha S. Crutchfield
Thank you for being there,
for showing me the path.
Thank you for always caring
and giving it all you have.
Thank you for not running
when I needed your help,
and thank you for always caring about my health.
Thank you for always staying by my side
and giving me the courage
and the pride to do things I’ve never done before.
Thank you for giving me
something to stay alive for.
Thank you for always loving me
and adoring my talents and skills.
Thank you for always being there,
for all of the sad times and the thrills.
Thank you for always telling me
what’s wrong and what’s right,
and thank you for helping me on the path to life.
43. Why You’re My Friend
By: Patricia
You are mine till the end.
I love you because you’re my friend.
You were so kind to me,
So now I give you my key.
The key to my soul, the key to my heart,
This is the reason we can’t be apart.
You dry the tears from my eyes.
You bring me sunshine to my sky.
Thanks for being my friend.
I’m sure it will be till the end!
44. Everything You Do
I appreciate everything that you do,
Very helpful and thoughtful too.
From the beginning, you’ve been there for me,
When I was down, you were strong like a tree.
You offer so much, a heart that is kind,
Thinking to help others, in your beautiful mind.
Your qualities combined, are extremely rare,
You wake up each morning, with a smile and care.
Everything you do, I respect and praise,
You’re a wonderful person, you always amaze.
Wish to say thank you, deep in my heart,
For so many lives, you’re a big part.
45.Thank You
You have been there from the very start,
Took care of me, gave me your heart.
Thank you so much, for believing in me,
You gave me everything, the sky and the sea.
I have been blessed with parent(s) so kind,
When I made mistakes, you didn’t mind.
What I’m trying to really express,
Without you, I would have been less.
Thank you for teaching me how to live,
How to love others, and to forgive.
Thank you so much for being my light,
Because of you, my future is bright.
46. Can’t Thank You Enough
How could I ever thank you enough?
You stood by me, when times were real rough.
Comfort I felt, I truly did need,
I appreciate, your very kind deed.
How could I ever thank you enough,
You listened to me, I talked about stuff.
From your heart, you gave me advice,
Important to me, beyond any price.
How could I ever thank you enough?
You molded me, now I am tough.
Hope to make you very proud,
Just want to thank you sincerely and loud.
47. Great Team
Thank you for being amazing and cool,
We are a team, when we go to school.
When I needed help, you were always there,
My issues and problems I knew I could share.
I truly appreciate that you are my friend,
And all those times together we spend.
I proudly proclaim, we’re a great team,
You believe in me, whenever I dream.
Listened to me, when I had to say,
If I am short, you don’t mind to pay.
In the end, we’re such a great team,
I’m so happy, I just want to scream.
48. Special Care
A special lady, you do so much,
Heal the wounded, with your touch.
The very ill, you truly care,
Always make sure, they have their air.
You do much more than simply tend,
Talk to patients, time you spend.
When you smile and reassure,
That becomes half the cure.
Even the most fragile and weak,
Your special care, they always seek.
They know your heart is very warm,
Special care will defeat their storm.
49. Wonderful Teacher
A wonderful teacher, understood me so well,
Helped me up, whenever I fell.
Even when I made a big mistake,
You said we learn, the more we make.
Your smile has always been very kind,
You challenged me to expand my mind.
Obstacles I faced, in me you believe,
You always told me, I could achieve.
When I needed help, you took the time,
You never gave up, no matter the climb.
Thank you so much, for showing me the way,
I simply don’t know, how I could repay.
50. Teach
A great teacher that knows how to teach,
When someone needs help, you willingly reach,
Explain things real well, beyond just a preach,
Real-life examples, connect with us each,
You taught us the importance of excellent speech,
Thank you so much, for the way that you teach.
51. Award
You have always been more than our guide,
Showed us the way, our eyes opened wide.
Taught us the importance of faith and to serve,
If we are good, God’s home we’ll deserve.
Thank you for leading the path to the light,
You taught us, that our faith is our sight.
Each Sunday we come to learn,
How our sins, others do burn.
Thank you for your dedication,
Teaching us about salvation.
Bringing us closer to the Lord,
Is the most beautiful award.
52. I Must Say
Wish to send my appreciation,
You deserve a standing ovation.
Genuine, is my gratitude,
I really like your attitude.
A positive person, I must say,
Hard worker, that enjoys to play.
I could only say good things,
When you’re around, good fortune brings.
Let me just say, thanks a dozen,
You are closer than a cousin.
Wish you only the very best,
You are great, enjoy your quest.
53. Hard Work
Thank you for your hard work and dedication,
Hope you’re feeling pride and elation.
Through your enthusiasm you have learned,
Our appreciation you have earned.
To work with, you’re a true pleasure,
Your growing skills are more than treasure.
You’d never sit, argue, and complain,
Thought of your colleagues, not just own gain.
Example to others, a clear sign,
At the job, you know how to shine.
We just want to thank you again,
Your achievements are clearly a ten.