Chakra Meditation Scripts

Here are two Chakra meditations scripts. Use these chakra guided meditation scripts to heal and balance your chakras and bring your entire energy system into a state of harmony and balance.

Copyright Notice: We own the rights for these scripts. You may not make recordings or reproduce these meditations, except for your personal, private use.

Chakra Balancing Script

Find a comfortable place for you to do your chakra meditation………you could lie on your bed or sit in a comfortable chair……………….. Begin breathing very slowly from your abdomen. Place your hands there and feel your stomach rising and falling with each breath. As you breathe in allow your abdomen to rise and as you breathe out let it fall. Focus all your attention now on your breathing. That’s right. Breathe in through your nose and blow gently out through your mouth. Breathing slow and deep. Breathe in relaxation and out tension and stress. Feel yourself slowing way down. Notice how you’re slow breathing is beginning to induce a nice state of deep relaxation. Breathing in ……………. and breathing out…….. In…………………………… and out.

Notice how you might be twice as relaxed as you were a moment ago. Allow all the cares of the world to take care of themselves all by themselves. As you are listening to the sound of my voice and the gentle music in the background, you can feel yourself in to a more relaxed state of being now, breathing in relaxation blowing out all tensions, any thoughts that were bothering you just disappearing for the time being, this is relaxation time just for you and you can let all those thoughts go while you focus on your breath.  You feel a warm wonderful sensation of relaxation in your body as you allow all the tension to just float away, drift away.

I wonder if you can imagine now someone you trust or an imaginary angel holding a large soft feather and they are brushing it over your forehead……………… it is relaxing each and every muscle each and every nerve in your forehead as it wipes away any lines of tension and brushes down over your eyes as your eyelids become heavy and rest comfortably on your eyes………. and it feels good to close the eyes……………..  and just rest in the quiet of your own inner awareness………………. Allow your jaw to relax and hang loose and let go of any tension you might be carrying there.………….. You might notice a warm feeling spreading down your neck now all the way down your spine into your lower back, like a flow of comfort………… peacefully…….. moving through you and soon you get the feeling that you don’t even have to be aware of it anymore as you let your body shift into automatic relaxation…………

You may feel this wonderful relaxation in your shoulders, spreading down your arms to your fingertips. Allow this feeling of comfort to enter your chest now and relax all your internal organs, breathe into them and let any tension there go. 

Feel the flow of comfort spreading through your stomach down to your legs into your thighs, knees and calves and all the way down to your toes………………..

Every muscle in your legs now is limp and relaxed. Feel your entire body now from your head to your toes relaxed. You are completely relaxed now, no one wanting anything from you, this is time just for you

just awareness and sensation now…………………. As each breath disappears……………………. each thought dissolving into space.………………..let each breath go…………………not holding on……………………………………………………….and out……………………………..

feel yourself expanding……………….expanding into light………..merging now into your essential self……………………………..

Breathe deeply and evenly, let your mind and body rest, let go of all cares now and think only of total relaxation……………………………………….total, complete, relaxation……………………….

Be aware now of the planet earth, you might want to visualize it above you and see a beam of light starting at the top of your head and flowing down through your spine and your entire body right out the soles of the feet. Spreading out like the roots of a tree…………….. feel them going deep into the earth…………………….visualize as they go deeper…………………………grounding you………………………………………..You feel safe and secure as you know you are grounded to the earth……………………………………..Visualize the base chakra now the 1st energy center at the base of your spine…………….see it as a red sphere………………….it is related to survival instinct……… is related to smell………..  our connection with the physical earth, a sense of grounding and survival instincts, also pleasure / pain, and sexuality. See it as a rotating sphere of energy……………..pulsating positive energy………………….and releasing any negative energy………………………………………………sit with it a while see if you can feel it.

Now move to the sacral chakra, the 2nd chakra………………………see the color orange…………………… is related to taste…………………………the inner child, creativity, vulnerability, spontaneity, and innocence. This chakra is also related to, balanced sexuality and harmonious relationships…………………………………

See it as a rotating healing sphere the same as you did with the base chakra……………………………………..pulsating with positive energy………………

Release any blocked energy…………………………………

Be with it awhile……

Move to the 3rd chakra above the navel and below the chest. See a bright yellow color there. This is the color of personal power, self-esteem and ego. This is the chakra of self-control and enhanced energy…………….your power center……………………..breathe into it and rotate your yellow sphere of energy…………………………..

Now bring your energy up to the 4th chakra in the center of your chest, see a green sphere of energy.,……… vibrating and rotating. It represents compassion & love, confidence, expansion, acceptance, openness, trust, and inspiration.…………………………… breathe into it and rotate your green sphere of energy

Now breathe into the 5th chakra, see blue at your throat chakra. This is your center for speech, communication, and self-expression., taking responsibility for your own needs, decision making, personal authority, and manifesting creative impulses. Breathe in positive energy as the blue sphere turns and vibrates. Exhale any negative energy…………………………….

Breathe into the 6th chakra, your third eye. Visualize it in the middle of your forehead, see the color indigo. It has to do with light and inner vision, unity, divine understanding, wisdom, intuition, and intelligence.………………………………………………………

See a rotating indigo sphere at the third eye.……………………………………..breathe in to it….

Now breathe into the seventh chakra…………………….the chakra of knowledge and intuition awareness of Oneness with Source, meaning, devotion, inspiration, and conscious alignment with Pure Awareness.………………………………..see the color violet………….pulsing and vibrating in your third eye area.

Now see a line connecting all the chakras together…………………………feel yourself surrounded by a technicolor of rainbow light…………………………….

Feel a sense of wellbeing and balance.……………………………….

This balancing will continue to heal your body……………………..

When you are ready………………………….close one chakra at a time from the base up………………………..start with the 1st chakra at the base of the spine and slowly move upward till they are all closed.

Feel yourself balanced with a sense of wellbeing now………………………………..

You feel wonderful, healthy and happy.

Whenever you are ready…………….begin to come back………………………..stretching and opening your eyes…………………….take your

time……………………………feeling refreshed and balanced.

Another Guided Chakra Meditation Script

Welcome to this guided chakra meditation. In this meditation, we will focus on your energy centers or chakras.

Before we being, please make sure you are in a space where you feel at ease. Remove all distractions. You should sit down with your legs crossed and your spine straightened, just make sure you are not straining or uncomfortable in any way. When you feel ready to move one, you can slowly start to close your eyes.

As we start the meditation, I would like you to take a couple of deep breaths. Allow the air to flow in through your nose and out through your mouth. Feel your chest and belly expand as you breathe in and feel them gradually deflate as you slowly breathe out. Breath in.

Breathe out. Try to truly connect with your breath, focus on the way the oxygen slowly travels thought your whole body and energizes it.

Feel the solid support of the ground beneath you as you sit and focus on your breath. Keep berthing.

Allow the weight to drop off your shoulders and slowly drift away into the deep state of meditation. Keep focusing on your breath. Trust the process and release everything that no longer serves you. Keep breathing and relax.

During this meditation, we will focus on all seven chakras and use our hands to concentrate the energy on the specific zones. As you follow me and move from your tailbone all the way up to your head, I want you to place the palms of your hands on that specific energy center. Focus and direct all your mental energy into that one single spot. Your chakra.

We will start at the bottom, at your tailbone, with the first chakra – the root chakra. This chakra is your solid foundation. This is the point that grounds you and allows you to withstand every imaginable challenge. It is your root and your support. Place your hands on the lowest part of your back. Feel the warmth and the loving touch of your hands as you slightly move the palm of your hand over this area. Whenever you feel ready, feel free to continue on.

Now we can slowly move to our second chakra – the sacral chakra.

This chakra facilitates abundance, well-being, and pleasure. It’s the driving force behind your emotions. Your sensations and your feelings. This chakra is located on your belly, just under your navel. Again, I want you to place your hands on top of this area and try to direct loving energy through your fingers. Gently move your hands all over this area.

When you feel ready, move onto the next chakra.

And here comes our third – the solar plexus chakra.

Solar plexus chakra is the home of your self-confidence and self-esteem. It empowers you in amazing ways and lets you live your life with relentless confidence. This chakra is in your upper abdomen, around your stomach. Place your hands on the top part of your belly and direct all your thoughts into this area. Empower it with the soft touch of your hand and slowly move the energy into this area.

Next comes the fourth chakra. The fourth chakra is also known as the heart chakra.

This chakra is the connecting point between your bottom three and your top three chakras. This chakra deals with all forms of love. Love directed towards others and love directed towards ourselves. The location of this chakra is in the center of your chest, right above your heart.

As before, slowly let your fingers glide over this area. Concentrate and feel your heartbeat as you feel the warmth transfer from your fingers to your chest.

Next, the fifth chakra. The fifth chakra is the throat chakra.

It’s the one that allows you to communicate whatever your heart is feeling. This is your true voice, your ability to let the world know how you feel. It’s here to help you express yourself in clear and honest ways. It is located in your throat. Slowly move your hand up and gently place it on your throat.

The next, sixth chakra, is also called the third eye chakra.

It’s the chakra of intuition. Here is where you can find the true depths of your soul. This particular chakra guides your imagination, wisdom, and intuition. It is located on your forehead, between the eyes. Slowly massage this delicate area with your fingers.

And now last, but not least – the crown chakra.

This chakra is the highest one. It is the chakra of spirituality and higher consciousness. This is where you can connect with something that is larger than life and the essence of life itself.

This chakra is on the very top of your head. I would like you to, again, place your hands on this chakra, and slowly massage the area.

When you direct your energy towards your chakras you unblock them. You enable them to function properly and assist you in various ways. Blocked chakras, on the other hand, can cause problems in the same areas. Your loving energy can unblock them. Your hands open your chakras and let your guide the healing powers to the specific point,

And now, for the last part, I would like you to slowly bring your hands together and press the palms of your hands together in front of your chest. Feel the enchanting energy rise from the ground and flow through your whole entire body. Every single inch of your body is charged with the energy of self-love and acceptance. This meditation cleansed your chakras and I want you to feel pride because you chose to take this time out of your day and try your best to make it meaningful.

Place your hands on top of your thighs and slowly start to open your eyes again.

You can now slowly return from the meditative state and head back into your daily life and your usual routine.

Thank you for listening to this guided meditation.

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