You are not your thoughts. You are not your fears.
You ARE the consciousness observing these mental apparitions.
Everyone has fears—some protect us like when we see a car merging into our lane, while others hold us hostage like the thought we aren’t attractive enough.
Fear can protect us from harm by sending a rush of adrenaline to help us physically deal with potential danger.
This is the form of fear that originally manifested in us as a species to keep us safe. As we evolved and became more of a social creature, fear too evolved into something else.
This new “social-fear” tends to paralyze us from participating fully in life.
Once we realize that fear is just a state of mind, and not a fact, we can begin to make different choices.
The next time you are having anxiety about a social situation, choose to take a minute to sit still with the unease you’re experiencing and just breathe.
Welcome your fears. Breathe through the discomfort… don’t push the pain away… it’s an important messenger.
The energetic expression of emotional pain is a part of us that needs tending to, see what it has to say and what you can learn from it. Sometimes, all it just needs is your presence and compassion. We can build emotional and mental strength this way.
Remember, it is not the absence of the fear but the courage to take action in spite of the fear. When we learn to move towards our fears and sit still with them in mindfulness, we learn to observe our thoughts and feelings and not be ruled by them.
Want a quick and easy mindfulness meditation that works wonders for fears?
Close your eyes and begin to relax… start with 3 deep cleansing breathes.
Now begin to perform this mantra for about 5 min while you’re breathing:
- Breathe in “Love” – imagine this energy entering your body that is cleansing, healing, and nourishing
- Breathe out “Fear” – imagine the pain and darkness leaving your body
Now bring your awareness to anything that you’re fearful of… breathe through the pain and discomfort… don’t push away the darkness… it’s an important messenger.
What is pain, the darkness, trying to tell you?
Sit with this for as long as you need to… now begin to perform this mantra for about 2 min as you’re breathing:
- Breathe in “Love” – imagine this energy entering your body that is cleansing, healing, and nourishing
- Breath our “Fear” – imagine the pain and darkness leaving your body
Important: “Mind-Body-Soul” Check-In before and after your session:
- How do you feel emotionally?
- How do you feel physically?
- How do you feel spiritually?