Meditation for Manifesting

Here are two guided meditation audios with scripts, one is 10 minutes and the other one is 20 minutes long.

Copyright Notice: We own the commercial rights for these meditations and scripts. You may not make recordings or reproduce these meditations, except for your personal, private use.

Guided Meditation for Manifesting: 10 Minutes

Meditation Script for Manifesting

You have the ability to manifest everything that it is your desire and today’s practice will help you drop into that ability.

Begin by sitting in a comfortable position, feeling your sit bones evenly on either side, really rooting down onto the surface on which you are sitting.

And then taking a moment to notice your spine. Extend and lengthen it, keeping your chin in a neutral position, rolling your shoulders back slightly to open up your heart. And when you’re ready, softly close your eyes, keeping your palms in your lap facing upwards.

Just start by noticing your breath; Becoming familiar with how it feels is it enters your body and how it feels as it exits, paying attention to what muscles are being utilized. And now intentionally deepen the breath by extending the abdomen on the inhales and contracting it on the exhales. Let each breath be full and rich for indeed, this is a beautiful way to practice your connection to the vastness of the universe. You have an infinite supply of air available to you all of the time. This in and of itself is an excellent way to connect to feeling rich and abundant.

These are two feelings that are important to generate when it is time to manifest that which you desire. Really dropping into the feeling of already having everything you could ever need and want is the feeling that is important to generate when manifesting.

So for now, just focus on how rich you are that you have the ability to breathe in air. Infinite amounts of healthy breathable air are available to you. It never ends, and it is so nourishing. Continue to expand this feeling of abundance and richness as you recognize that you indeed are more wealthy and better off than even the Kings and Queens from thousands of years ago.

You have access to conveniences and technology that they could never have even dreamed of.

Notice how rich this makes you feel. Lean into a feeling of already having everything you could need and want. Spend several more breaths, generating a feeling of already having all of your desires…and now allow yourself to think of something that you deeply want.

Whether it is an outcome or a physical object, and with the feeling inside of you of already having that and more, see yourself as already having this desire.

How do you show up in the world when you already have this desire?

Who are you when this desire is already met?

Embody this version of you now; feel this version of you in your breath in this moment.

Feel this desire all around and within you, trust and know that just as there is infinite air to breathe and it is always available to you. So too is your desire. Breathe it in. Feel it within you, trust and know that you already have whatever it is you desire in the energetic form right now.

Feeling a sense of patience and trust. Letting go of any neediness instead of feeling confident that everything you desire is already here. Becoming the energetic version of yourself that has these desires, regardless of how the physical world appears around you.

Create a world within you.

Feel it in your stomach, feel it in your energetic being, where you have all of your desires.

You use your breath to feel this energy inside your belly – This energy of having everything you want, this feeling of being everything you want to be.

You already are that version of yourself that you desire. You already are that version of yourself that has everything that you desire. It’s all within you. You hold the power. There is nothing you need to do besides relax into this truth.

So for the next few moments, just breathe softly and let this truth be gentle. Let this truth that you have everything you desire, be easy, fluid, present. There’s nothing you need to do besides relax into this.

On your next inhale, breathe in extra deeply feeling all of that energy build within you, holding it at the top, feeling deep appreciation to yourself in this moment and when you’re ready, exhale, they sigh and bring your awareness to the room around you. Opening your eyes whenever you feel ready. Trusting and knowing that everything you want is already here.

Manifesting Meditation: 20 Minutes

Manifesting Meditation Script

Welcome to this powerful session for manifesting all you desire.

Manifestation happens when you maintain focus on what it is that you want or need every day, without skipping a day.

So make sure you are in a very comfortable position, because over the next 20 minutes, you will dedicate your mind towards what you want to happen in your life… the technique of focused concentration should be repeated daily for extreme results…

Take a nice breath in and as you breathe out, allow your eyes to close… taking away your sense of vision is crucial in manifestation, because it increases your ability to visualize your dreams.

Breathe in again, enjoying the relaxation of being in a cozy position, knowing you will not be distracted…

Breathing deeply now, focus your attention on the details of your breath…. Notice how your body easily expands and contracts with the air….


Focus on the feeling of the air coming in and out of your nose… the coolness as you inhale… the warmth as you exhale…


Focus intently on your breathing for 5 more breaths as I pause to allow for you to breathe without guidance. Please, count along as you go up to 5…



Now let’s manifest…

Imagine there is a big screen in front of you… like a movie screen… the movie begins to play and the title of the movie is “My Perfect Life.”

Before you know it, you are watching an entire movie about the details of your life after you have fully manifested your goals…. you are living your life exactly how you wish it to be…

You can see the details perfectly… you are healthier than you have ever been… the perfect size and shape… fit and strong… your skin is glowing with good health…


This movie is so very clear, and so very real…


You can even witness the details of your dream life like your house and perhaps your car…


You login to your bank account online and see the number in the account that is more than you ever expected to earn in your lifetime…

It is all very clear and specific…


At first you can’t believe that this is your life, but then you start to feel it… this is truly your life… you have accomplished your dreams and aspirations…


You can see the proof on the screen within your mind…


Focus intently on this movie of your perfect life… watching it play out and feeling it as truth that is coming closer and closer to you each and every day until it is yours…


You finally understand that you are capable of manifesting, that you are a creator!


Now, use the remote control to rewind the movie to the start point, to the very beginning of the manifestation process. How did it all start? What did you do to get here? What choices did you make along the way?


You see yourself making healthy choices such as eating really healthy foods and avoiding junk and sweets…


You see that you are exercising daily, and that you absolutely love doing it… it is the first thing you do in the day after your morning routine…


Continue rewinding… watching yourself moving towards your dreams… notice the things you are doing…


You see yourself diving into books that teach you important ways to accomplish goals… all kinds of books…


Continue rewinding back to this present day, after you finished listening to this recording… what was the first step you took towards this magnificent plan? Observe the moment you became so inspired that nothing could stop you…


Remember that everything starts in the mind, everything was once just a thought.

Connect to this moment that you started moving towards your goals… That moment was when the seed was planted….


As the movie goes on, you watch what happened after that. What was the next step after you thought of this idea?

Keep going, keep moving through the steps in between the seed being planted and the goal being manifested, one step after the other. If you can’t see all the steps at once, this is completely normal, just focus on the next step in front of you.

Let the movie show you what to do next. And notice how confident you are in this vision, you are doing what you need to do knowing that this dream is already yours.

All you need to do is allow the flow of inspiration to be your motivation…

Remind yourself that inspiration comes from alignment with your soul desires, so, before any decision, align your energy and ask yourself “what is my soul showing me to do?”. This is the direction you must take…


When you are done watching “My Perfect Life”, breathe in the power of this visual… feeling it as truth…


Energetically, save this movie in your subconscious mind. From there, your mind will be able to guide you and remind you about the steps to take and about your creative manifesting power.



Allowing the movie of your perfect life to fade completely, again become aware of your breath…

Noticing the rise and fall of your abdomen and chest…


Breathe in deeply, feeling your body expand with oxygen… and exhale… contracting…


One more breath in and out…

Then repeat these affirmations towards manifesting to yourself…

“I trust in my intuition that is guiding me towards success…

I dedicate 100% of my efforts towards achieving my goals…

Manifesting is easy when I focus my concentration on what I want to accomplish…”


Now gently rise from this session with a greater ability to manifest anything you desire…

Whenever you are ready, open your eyes.


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