163 Excuses Quotes and Sayings

We use excuses for our own unique reasons in various situations in life. But just because we can be excused doesn’t mean that we always have to be. Instead, let your explanation turn into action with these 163 excuses quotes.

Excuses Quotes

1. At the end of the day, let there be no excuses, no explanations, no regrets. – Steve Maraboli

2. Excuses are nothing more, than a reason to fail. – Mac Mcgovern

3. Excuses are the nails used to build the house of failure. – Jim Rohn

4. Your excuses are just the lies your fears have sold you. – Robin Sharma

5. I never knew a man who was good at making excuses who was good at anything else. – Benjamin Franklin

6. Do not be like those people who keep making excuses and pointing fingers. You have to learn how to change your perspective and adapt to different situations. – Ryanne Knight

7. I do not believe in excuses. I believe in hard work as the prime solvent of life’s problems. – James Cash Penney

8. Where the heart is willing it will find a thousand ways, but where it is unwilling it will find a thousand excuses. – Chotu Dhiman

9. Excuses come in many forms including lack of money, too many demands on your time, a terrible boss, not enough education, and so on. It always amazes me that people who have the greatest excuses for underachievement are the biggest complainers. – Byron Pulsifer

10. You can make excuses or you can get the job done, but you can’t do both. – Hap Holmstead

11. It may sound confrontational to say that you’re making excuses, because with an emotion like confidence your excuses will feel like real, justifiable reasons. But however, justified you think you are, if you acknowledge that these ‘reasons’ are in fact functioning as excuses you give yourself the opportunity to tackle them so that you can increase your confidence. – Charlotta Hughes

12. Excuses are contagious and they can grow on people. If you asked the 100 most successful people and asked them what they think of excuses, they all would express their dislike for excuses and those who make them because they know that everything is based off of results. – Anwar Williams

13. When you’re good at making excuses, it’s hard to excel at anything else. – John L. Mason

14. Several excuses are always less convincing than one. – Aldous Huxley

15. Never make excuses. Your friends don’t need them, and your foes won’t believe them. – John Wooden

16. Over time, our roller deck of excuses just grew bigger and bigger, but what makes matters worse is when we start believing them. – Herby Fabius

17. Excuses are the tools with which persons with no purpose in view build for themselves great monuments of nothing. – Steven Grayhm

18. Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses. – George Washington Carver

19. Excuses are a dime a dozen. For every reason something can be done, there are a dozen reasons why it can’t be done. – Morris E. Goodman

20. Don’t look for excuses to lose. Look for excuses to win. – Chi Chi Rodriguez

Excuses Quotes

21. Don’t make excuses, make something incredible happen in your life right now. – Greg Hickman

22. If you really want to do it, you do it. There are no excuses. – Bruce Nauman

23. He who excuses himself accuses himself. – Gabriel Meurier

24. People that learn quickly only focus on the information and skills that matter – excuses don’t matter, and they are thought viruses. – Kevin Horsley

25. You can make excuses, or you can make progress. You choose. – Brian Tracy

26. The trouble with excuses is that they become inevitably difficult to believe after they’ve been used a couple of times. – Scott Spencer

27. Excuses are lies wrapped up in reasons. – Howard Wright

28. Excuses are a powerful thing. One excuse can negate 100 opportunities. – Bobby Darnell

29. What we need to understand is that once we rely on using excuses as a way out, they take a life of their own. – Peter Lopez Jr.

30. Most people who haven’t reached their potential have a long list of excuses for why they haven’t. – Jason Harvey

31. The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, that’s the day you start to the top. – O. J. Simpson

32. Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable. – Zig Ziglar

33. People with integrity do what they say they are going to do. Others have excuses. – Laura Schlessinger

34. Excuses are the loser’s way out. They will mar your credibility and stunt your personal growth. – Alexander Pope

35. Excuses only make you feel comfortable staying where you are. – James B. Richards

36. Excuses change nothing but make everyone feel better. – Mason Cooley

37. The heart has its reasons, but the mind makes the excuses. – Amit Abraham

38. Don’t make excuses – make good. – Elbert Hubbard

39. Some people use excuses to not accept responsiblity, others use excuses as a way to justify. – Catherine Pulsifer

40. Excuses are useless. Results are priceless. – Ziad K. Abdelnour

Excuses Quotes

41. Excuses are used to justify leaving the scene of truth without changing. – Orrin Woodward

42. There is always a perfectly good excuse, always a reason not to. The hardest freedom to win is the freedom from one’s excuses. – Robert Brault

43. The only thing standing between you and your goal is the bullshit story you keep telling yourself as to why you can’t achieve it. – Jordan Belfort

44. There is a lie in between a promise and many excuses. – Toba Beta

45. Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses in your life; you realize everything that happens in life is a result of the previous choice you’ve made and start making new choices to change your life. – Roy T. Bennett

46. Do not make excuses, whether it’s your fault or not. – George Patton

47. Don’t use your past as an excuse, excuse your excuses and take action now!!! – Bernard Kelvin Clive

48. Uncomplicate it. Don’t make excuses. Some of life’s biggest heartaches come from missed opportunities and lame excuses. Don’t miss out on what could be the best chapter in your life because you’re too busy rereading the last one. – Kandi Steiner

49. Excuses and complaints are signs of a dreamless life – Bangambiki Habyarimana

50. It is easier to move from failure to success in from excuses to success. – John C. Maxwell

51. When you are willing to replace mundane excuses with hard work and your laziness with determination, nothing can prevent you from succeeding. – Dr Prem Jagyasi

52. The excuses we make to ourselves when we want to do something are excellent material for soliloquies, for they are rarely made except when we are alone, and are very often made aloud. – Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

53. Essentially there are two actions in life: Performance and excuses. Make a decision as to which he will accept from yourself. – Steven Brown

54. Excuses are things like sausages stuffed with reason, in the skin of a lie. – Kianu Starr

55. People who hide behind the wall of excuses for a long time, are considered to have lost interest in the game; come out of your comfort zone, contribute to the game, let your efforts be seen and applauded, rather than making yourself unwanted & the spectators unconcerned about the game. – Shahenshah Hafeez Khan

56. One of my most important realizations was to truly learn the difference between reasons and excuses. – Nitya Prakash

57. Stop standing in your own way. Stop making excuses. Stop talking about why you can’t. Stop sabotaging yourself. Decide which direction you are going in and take action. One decision at a time, one moment at a time. – Akiroq Brost

58. You can have excuses or you can have success; you can’t have both. – Jen Sincero

59. The only thing standing between us and our goals are the excuses we fall back on that keep us in chains, little do we know that we hold the key in our grasp. – Mark W Boyer

60. Excuses are seldom truthful, often handy, and rarely productive. Don’t make excuses: make things happen! – Rhoberta Shaler

Excuses Quotes

61. You are either making disciples or making excuses. Which one are you? – Jonathan Hayashi

62. Success involves avoiding the lure of making excuses. – Jeffrey Fry

63. An archer must never blame a target for missing it. – Matshona Dhliwayo

64. There’s often a deeper truth to be found beneath the excuses we make for ourselves and our lives. Once I stopped looking for tired excuses, I started to find some honest answers. – Scott Stabile

65. Believing and investing in yourself is the best way to shift your thinking from a paradigm of excuses to one of solutions. – Farshad Asl

66. Stop making excuses. You are not missing the tools to do what you want to do, you are missing the drive to get it done. Get started. Just a little bit every day and watch it all start to come your way. Good luck. – Avina Celeste

67. A life filled with excuses is defeated, unproductive, and miserable. – Stephanie Lahart

68. You can either go home with enough money or enough excuses, but not both! – Harshvardhan Malpani

69. You’ll never learn anything or impress anyone by making excuses and diverting blame. – Frank Sonnenberg

70. Your mind can find all the excuses why your dreams are not possible but you will not be able to fight with your mind the stronger pull of your heart. – Dragos Bratasanu

71. Get off the excuse train because it’s full. – James Jean-Pierre

72. When you were making excuses someone else was making enterprise. – Amit Kalantri

73. If you have dreams you want to pursue, the time to pursue them is now. There is no perfect time, and there is no better time. There is only the time you lose while you’re making excuses. – Holly Lisle

74. Excuses cost you more than they buy you. – TemitOpe Ibrahim

75. Find excuses to live. Find excuses to be happy. The world provides enormous opportunities to the courageous. – Girdhar Joshi

76. Getting defensive doesn’t hide the fact that you know you could have done better. Stop putting your energy into your excuses. – Tony Curl

77. Truth is what’s left when you run out of excuses. – Marty Rubin

78. Stop making excuses and start making history. – A.D. Posey

79. You have more potential in you than you can possibly use up in an entire lifetime or even in several lifetimes. Stop making up excuses and believing in limits. – David Cameron Gikandi

80. Don’t make excuses. Make things happen. Make changes. Then make history. – Doug Hall

81. Men dressed in an embroidery of excuses are not fit to enter the colorful chamber of champions. – Osho Samuel Adetunji

82. No excuses and no sob stories. Life is full of excuses if you’re looking. I have no time to gripe over misfortune. I don’t waste time looking back. – Junior Seau

83. If you have passion, there is no need for excuses because your enthusiasm will trump any negative reasoning you might come up with. Enthusiasm makes excuses a nonissue. – Wayne Dyer

84. Rather than make excuses for their failures, resilient people learn from each mistake. They identify skills, ideas, and life lessons that can be gained from each failed opportunity. – Amy Morin

85. You can make a million excuses for why something didn’t go well, but ultimately, just fix it and get on with it. Be a solutions person. – Emily Weiss

86. Don’t give in to excuses that can keep you from really living the best life God has for you. – Joyce Meyer

87. Excuses destroy success every time. – Jon Taffer

88. I refuse to allow the excuses in my mind to grow into giants that keep me from living up to my full potential. – Shaun King

89. In football, the worst things are excuses. Excuses mean you cannot grow or move forward. – Pep Guardiola

90. Work hard and never make excuses. – Master P

91. A lot of people in our generation like to make excuses about little things that really don’t hinder them from doing what they want to. It always comes down to the work ethic. – Shaquem Griffin

92. Most of the time, we keep looking outside and feeling sad about what others have. Those are mere excuses. – Yami Gautam

93. I found people that were willing to push me. I was like, ‘These are my goals. I need you to get me here.’ I don’t need any excuses. I won’t make any excuses. I’m over making excuses. – Julie Ertz

94. Don’t let yourself make excuses for not doing the things you want to do. – Sam Altman

95. The best job goes to the person who can get it done without passing the buck or coming back with excuses. – G. M. Trevelyan

96. Whenever there is a big difficulty, I don’t make excuses. Instead, I say I will solve it even if everybody leaves. – Masayoshi Son

97. When I was younger, I was always taught not to make excuses. – Derek Jeter

98. You can blame outside factors or make excuses about why things didn’t work out, but that doesn’t change anything. – Chris Gardner

99. When you work for somebody who is very technical, and understands and has creative solutions to your problems, it spurs you along and stops you making excuses for things. And I found that very useful. – David Perry

100. One of life’s fundamental truths states, ‘Ask and you shall receive.’ As kids we get used to asking for things, but somehow we lose this ability in adulthood. We come up with all sorts of excuses and reasons to avoid any possibility of criticism or rejection. – Jack Canfield

101. Not looking for excuses is the right thing to do. I have made a lot of mistakes, and I still make mistakes, but I am not ashamed to look for the reasons behind those mistakes. – Gianluigi Buffon

102. We will never accomplish what God wants for our lives unless we stop making excuses for ourselves and pampering our flesh. When we get into seemingly impossible situations, we have to remember – it’s not about us. – Monica Johnson

103. Your life starts to take shape at 30. You don’t have to make excuses for who you are anymore. – John Travolta

104. You will find that the more successful the individual, the less inclined he is to make excuses. – David Joseph Schwartz

Excuses Quotes

105. If you are ready to play, you have to give everything. No excuses. – Patrice Evra

106. I say, ‘You can never use excuses because they always run out.’ – RJ Mitte

107. Anybody that got in your way or stopped you or barred your success, you either push through them or work around them. I don’t have enough time for excuses or crying about people saying how someone wasn’t given a proper opportunity. Nobody gave me an opportunity. – Samoa Joe

108. Don’t make excuses and Don’t talk about it. Do it. – Melvyn Douglas

109. When you don’t feel healthy, stop the excuses and do something. Just go outside, walk, breathe. Life’s too short to fall into a rut. You are in charge of you – treat yourself well, and it’ll show. – Jessica Stroup

110. Most people use excuses for one of three reasons: Fear, Habit, Laziness. – Alex Fitel

111. You must not give up. Once you give up, you have failed and there are no excuses for failure. It’s important to realize that everyday you wake up you have another chance, you’ve given another opportunity. Life is granted on purpose and for a purpose. Find your purpose daily and live life to the fullest and never give up. – M.D. Eger

112. There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results. – Art Turock

113. The trick is not how much pain you feel-but how much joy you feel. Any idiot can feel pain. Life is full of excuses to feel pain, excuses not to live, excuses, excuses, excuses. – Erica Jong

114. Bad excuses are worse than none. – Thomas Fuller

115. If you want to achieve extraordinary results, you must commit to making extraordinary decisions without procrastination or excuses. – Josh Austin

116. Whatever you want to achieve, start now. Do not procrastinate as it makes you hold on to excuses and negativity. – Brandon Cutt

117. Leadership is about taking responsibility, not making excuses. – Mitt Romney

118. Pity that consequences are determined not by excuses but by actions. – George Eliot

119. The origin of every excuse is the failure to do something. – Andy Anderson

120. I attribute my success to this – I never gave or took any excuse. – Florence Nightingale

121. To rush into explanations is always a sign of weakness. – Agatha Christie

122. Not managing your time and making excuses are two bad habits. Don’t put them both together by claiming you don’t have the time. – Bo Bennett

123. There aren’t nearly enough crutches in the world for all the lame excuses. – Marcus Stroup

124. I hate excuses excuses are a disease. – Cam Newton

125. No one ever excused his way to success. – Dave Del Dotto

Excuses Quotes

126. Making excuses as to why you cannot do something based on what you don’t have, or what hasn’t happened yet, only serves to hold you back even further. WAIT FOR NOTHING & NO-ONE. – Miya Yamanouchi

127. When you lay down with neglect & sleep around with excuses, you wake up with failure…
When you marry your goals & remain intimate with your vision, you’ll give birth to your dreams. – Jay Danzie

128. True blessing comes in the dress of sweats, never delaying to wave bye to the excuses and procrastination. True blessing lies in hard work! – Israelmore Ayivor

129. Let’s not use obstacles as excuses for not achieving our dreams, use them as signs that the dream is worth it. – Steven Aitchison

130. The choice [is} a familiar one; stop making excuses and shift [your] perspective. – Andrea Goeglein

131. People who gives excuses of lack of growth simply don’t know how to apply the principle of increase is practically inevitable. – Sunday Adelaja

132. Regardless of the difficulties we may face individually, in our families, in our communities and in our nation, the old adage is still true – you can make excuses or you can make progress, but you cannot make both! – Mia Love

133. Change occurs when excuses pivot to execution. – Ryan Lilly

134. Success is what happens when you overcome list of excuses why you cannot succeed with the excuse why you must succeed. – Benjamin Suulola

135. How can you attain satisfaction if you have more excuses than action? – Stanley Victor Paskavich

136. You see, during my pilgrimage it became increasingly apparent that I wasn’t happy and I had to do something about it – stop making excuses. I realized that you don’t have to jump through a series of complicated hoops to achieve a goal. You can just look at a mountain and get a connection with God; you don’t have to understand the mountain to feel that. – Paulo Coelho

137. Your will has to be stronger than your excuses. Your will has to be stronger than your fear. – Bryant McGill

138. People are attracted to those who fully live life without excuses. – PeggySue Wells

139. No excuses; those were just weak. – Abbi Glines

140. A person either buys his dream by surrendering his excuses or he buys his excuses by surrendering his dream. – Orrin Woodward

Excuses Quotes

141. Good excuses rarely collect dust. We use them, and use them, and use them. – Andy Stanley

142. A good man never makes excuses, a smart man is never in a position to need one. – Kyle Barger

143. Some men have thousands of reasons why they cannot do something, when all they need is one reason why they can. – Willis R. Whitney

144. The immature person makes excuses to avoid the responsibility of his own potential. – Wade D. Sadlier

145. Most people define themselves by the excuses they make about why they cannot be who they want to be or do what they truly want to do. – Leigh Hershkovich

146. I’ve got to stop this. Stop worrying about the why. Stop forcing what was happening into the realm of impossible. Stop hiding behind excuses. Stop being afraid to step out on faith. – Deatri King-Bey

147. The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours — it is an amazing journey — and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins. – Bob Moawad

148. A life that is defended by Excuses has become comfortable in defeat, it has settled for mediocrity and is destined for failure. – Oscar Bonga Nomvete

149. Peer pressure and social norms are powerful influences on behavior, and they are classic excuses. – Andrew Lansley

150. The weak makes excuses, the strong makes changes. – Habeeb Akande

151. Once I ran out of excuses, I reclaimed my life. Now, I don’t need excuses. – Jamie Anne Richardson

152. Let’s make progress, not excuses. – Justin Cotillard

153. Success is what comes after your stop making excuses. – Luis Galarza

154. Excuses are well planned lies! – Dani Johnson

155. There are thousands of excuses for every failure, but never a good reason. – Mark Twain

156. This is your life. You are responsible for it. You will not live forever. Don’t wait. – Natalie Goldberg

157. It is wise to direct your anger towards problems – not people; to focus your energies on answers – not excuses. – William Arthur Ward

158. Life changes for the better when you take action instead of making excuses. – ATGW

159. Excuses will be there for you always, the opportunity will not. – Anonymous

160. Excuses are your lack of faith in your own power. – Robert Anthony

161. When it comes to excuses, the world is full of great inventors. – Evan Esar

162. Excuses are like lies; no one benefits from them or wants to hear them except the person who tells them. – Raymond Burks

163. Petty and shuffling excuses, which satisfy vain and little minds, do but irritate generous ones still more than the fault which they would explain away; there is no valid repentance but that which is full and sincere. – Princess de Salm Dyck

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