Witchcraft Spells

Whether you’ve been mixing potions and interacting with the magical world around you since you were a little girl or you’ve just happened upon witchcraft, learning spells can be quite the experience. As a little girl, I was convinced my mother’s molcajete was a witches tool and often used it to grind up the dandelions and white clover I’d pluck from the yard.

I’d hunt for various flowers around the yard and grind them together, adding water to make potions. At the time, I’m sure my imagination was simply running wild, as I’d forgotten all about my then love of “spells and potions.”

Witchcraft has mostly made a comeback, and although it’s still taboo, you’re not likely to get burned at stake for it these days. If you’ve suddenly found yourself more curious about the Old Religion as it’s sometimes referred to, you’ve come to the right place.

Many people piece together their thoughts on witchcraft and spells from things they’ve seen on tv or read in a book series, but there’s much more to it. In this guide, we’ll talk about what spells are, are to create spells that work for you, and dive into the particulars of a few spells to help you get your feet wet.

What is a Spell?

When it comes to witches, not everyone who practices witchcraft falls in the same boat. There are witches, Wiccans, and Pagans. Some identify with more than one of those terms. Others feel that their beliefs and practices are unique and different from those who submit to the common monikers.

A spell or ritual is typically a collection of steps taken with a set intention. The person(s) casting the spell or ritual, is hoping to foster a connection of some kind to achieve something. Sometimes, the outcome will be achieved simply by the association and ability to connect with ones’ deities, while others may seek to create change or a specific desired outcome.

Spells can come from a place of spirituality, science, or both. Those who believe in spirituality believe that all things are connected, especially the Divine. They think that deities assist them in achieving their intentions. Those coming from spirituality seek to meet their divine in the middle, taking steps to help them achieve their desires and needs while their deities help bring those things closer.

Those who believe in science believe that their subconscious speaks the language of spells. They think that their subconscious will help guide them in the direction of their dreams and goals. Creativity has a basis in the psyche, which allows ideas to be born. Below you’ll learn what the guiding elements are for spells and rituals.

Spell Building

When it comes to the anatomy of a spell, there are five essential elements that you will find in most, if not all, periods. Here are the five items.

  • Focus – Decide on what you’ll need. Gather your tools and other necessary items. Open your circle.
  • Purpose and Intent – Set your intentions, have a clear mission and vision for moving forward with your spell.
  • Raising Energy – Focus on generating your energy and power to help build and send out your intentions. Some ways to increase strength are drawing energy from the earth, deep breathing, dancing, chanting, or using memories to invoke powerful emotions and powers.
  • Release – Just as you opened a circle, you must close it. It’s a great idea to include grounding techniques at the closure of your ring to help bring you back from the magical world in safe and healthy ways.
  • Participation – Participation is often overlooked as an essential aspect of spell-building. Participation includes what actionable steps you will take in real life to help kickstart your path towards your intended purpose. You may even record your involvement in your book of shadows.

What Spells Need From You

Each witch will express her essential elements in her unique ways that help to serve her purpose. Witchcraft is empowering, in part, because it allows individuality, growth, and prosperity that is in the eye of the beholder. Although most of your spells will include these five elements, there may be a spell or ritual that allows for leaving out one or more of the parts.

The trickiest part of spells and rituals for most are setting the clear and focused purpose and intention. It is not enough to simply state that you want love. You must take the time to dig deeper within yourself and ask yourself the critical questions. Here are some examples.

  • How do I envision love coming to me?
  • How will this love suit me?
  • What kind of love do I want for myself?
  • When will I need this love to come to me most?
  • How will I draw the kind of love I want to me?
  • Why do I need this kind of love?

Let the rest of your spell flow freely. You needn’t worry about getting the “right” chant down or doing things a certain way. Do what feels natural and what will help you move forward in the right direction. As long as you’re following your purpose, you can’t go wrong.

Are There Different Types of Spells?

We’ve already discussed that successful or efficient spells begin with a purpose. Rather than casting a spell for the sake of doing it, it comes from a place of deep yearning or desire. You may cast a spell in response to an opportunity, or because you’ve come up with a new idea that you want to explore further.

Your magic’s purpose is to manifest whatever it is that you truly seek. Keep in mind that what you put into spell work is what you shall receive in return. If you throw together a spell in vain, you may experience erratic results.

For the best manifestations, take the time to come into your magical frame of mind and execute spells with empathy, focus, peace, and wisdom. You will find that your outcomes are more positive and meaningful this way.

The ultimate purpose of a spell is to forge the necessary connection. The concept and the idea unify, coming into fruition. An entity becomes unified through the concept. Thus, there are different types of spells that will aid in joining entities in different ways.

The most common spell attributes are correspondences, contagion, sympathy and antipathy, repetition, and inversion. However, that’s a lesson for another day, as it would take far too long to familiarize you with these various connections.

How Can You Start Spell Work Today?

Beginning spell work for the first time can feel intimidating. It’s a time of wonder and curiosity, but there’s no need to feel anything but confidence. You only need to have your intention; the rest will follow.

If you’re just getting started, don’t be fooled into purchasing individual items just yet. Any item can become positively charged, so don’t go running for those expensive healing crystals until you’re genuinely invested in magic. The magic can be useful with as little as a few household and kitchen ingredients.

Grab whatever candles you have on hand, some of your favorite herbs and spices like cinnamon, turmeric, or pepper. If you need to use your regular pots and pans for now as a cauldron, so be it. There are no right or wrongs here.

Keep in mind that tools that have become positively charged or used for magickal purposes will remain that way. So, if you use your favorite mason jar to hold a potion, don’t re-use it for storing your home-made kombucha afterward.

Where Should You Cast Spells?

Any space you feel comfortable in has the potential to become a temporarily sacred place, perfect for carrying out spell work and mantras. As you cast a circle, you achieve a mobile temple for your magic to flow.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

  • Places in nature – the beach, the forest, or your backyard
  • Physical thresholds – places like window sills and doorways can be useful as cosmic entrances
  • Consider timing such as dawn and dusk, seasonal equinoxes, or use the lunar calendar to guide you

Remember that you must close any portal that you open. You can do so in a ritualistic way that feels right to you, or you may give a simple statement like, “Goodbye.”

Why Should You Cast Spells?

There are a million reasons to cast a spell or practice your magic. Indeed, the only reason you should not cast a spell is out of ill-intentions. The only hard and fast rule to witches, witchcraft, or wizardry is to “Do no harm.”

As long as you have pure intentions and you are not spell-casting out of malice, there’s no wrong reason to cast a spell. You may recall from your study of witchcraft that the law of threefold return states that whatever energy you choose to project shall be returned to you with three times the power.

It would do you no good at all to cast a spell that didn’t serve a real purpose. Your magical intention defines your spirit. It will serve you well to create spells only with kindness, empathy, love, and understanding.


Now that you have a deeper understanding of what it means to do spell work, you’re likely ready to jump in and learn a few spells. Let’s start with a familiar favorite. Everyone wants love to be abundant in their lives. Love takes on many shapes and forms outside of intimate partner relationships. But we’ll start there.

Love Spells

Here are two love spells to get you started. Remember that you can design your ritual here for these so, we’ll just give you the bare bones.

Know Magic Love Spell

For this spell, you’ll need, at the very least, a long silk string. Choose the color of silk that feels right to you. Many people connect the color red to love. Others may choose the color green because Venus, the goddess of love’s glow, is green. You may choose whatever tools you like, such as candles, incense, crystals, or circle casting tools.

You can choose the timing and location of your spell based on your purpose and intention. Many want to use the moon phases in hopes of harnessing more power. When you are ready to begin, take the time to visualize your desire, and focus your positive energy. You may choose to meditate on the happiness you feel with your partner.

Ensure that sad thoughts you have about love do not enter your mind; only those that are positive and direct your purpose should be at the front of your mind. Next, you’ll prepare your string by binding a not and chanting.

In your chant, you can call the deities of love, such as Venus, Shiva, Erzulie, and Mary Magdalene. Chant about binding your love, and describe the love you live in love. Thank your chosen god, his/her passion and power. It’s best to repeat your chant five to ten times until you feel that you’ve raised enough power.

Healing Spells

Another common reason for spell work is to bring healing. Everyone wants to be healthy, as good health gives those lucky enough to have it a strong foundation from which to fulfill their dreams. Health is unique to the individual as is the body, so one must be careful when performing healing spells.

What heals one may harm another. You must have the right diagnosis for the root cause of ill health, as that is the place to start healing spellwork. One must not work on solving symptoms but rather the underlying issue for the most effective healing spells.

Transfer of Energy for Health Improvement

This healing ritual was born from Hungarian tradition and worked splendidly when previous healing techniques have not sufficed. For this spell, you will need salt and 13 eggs. Eggs represent regeneration and the mysterious essence of life, which is perfect for healing.

The best timing for this spell is under a full moon so that the ill person might lie amid a circle of salt under the moon. This timing and location are useful in the enhancement of the spell with the power of the moon to aid in healing. While the sick person is lying amid the circle, preferably with the least amount of clothing possible, directly on the ground, you will begin by rolling one egg across the body.

You should roll the egg over each part of the body, without missing any parts while chanting a mantra that suits your healing journey. You should continue to repeat the mantra over and over as you finish rolling the body with one egg, placing it in a bowl, and beginning with the next egg.

Repeat this process until all 13 eggs are rolled across the body. The ritual is complete after the last egg. The eggs will have absorbed the illness, and you can now discard them under running water or broken and placed into a shallow hole in the ground if you prefer.

If you have called any of the healing Deities such as Aradia, Diana, or Loco, you may thank them for their presence and release the circle.

Spells of Abundance

One of the first questions people who are new to witchcraft may ask is if they can cast spells to bring themselves money. In short, you can, but it is much more complicated than that. First, one must take the time to deepen their understanding of wealth and abundance.

Rather than seeking the finite substance – an amount of money – one should find guidance with the process, positive energy, abundance, prosperity, and generosity. Having enough money can be an endless source of stress and anxiety for many people. It’s crucial to participate in the circle of sharing so that the Universe will return the favor in kind to you.

In preparation for your abundance spell, take the time to go out into the world, committing small, kind acts of generosity. You might give some change to the homeless or tip your server handsomely after a great lunch. Whatever feels right to you and helps bring your focus and intention alive. Remember that whatever you put into the Universe will be returned to you threefold.

The Money Jar Spell

This incantation is useful after you’ve already tried to cast spells on yourself that will help you build wealth. For example, you might cast a spell on yourself to boost your confidence before going to a job interview. After casting spells meant to enhance your personal qualities, you can try casting spells to work on the world around you.

This spell will take some time as you’ll need to go for a walk in a busy place. Ideally, you will find 13 lucky pennies – those that are facing up. If you happen upon a penny facing down, you should turn the penny over and leave it for someone else to find. You may need to take several walks to complete this task.

Now, you’ll add your lucky coins to a jar and add in any herbs that feel suitable to you. You may add cloves, cinnamon, ginger, or whatever else you have on hand. Put a lid on the jar and seal it. Place a green candle atop the jar and burn it while visualizing the wealth and abundance you seek. When there is a full moon, you may bury the jar outside, covering it with dirt so that it may not be disturbed.

Next, you will draw a pentagram over the jar with the top of the star pointing towards the west. Don’t forget that after your spell, you must meditate and participate to bring yourself closer to abundance and wealth, meeting the Universe in the middle. This spell may help bring career opportunities, financial breaks, or help you move closer to your truly generous self.

Successful Spell-Casting

You needn’t be alarmed if you are in the early days of spell-casting and not finding success. The art of casting spells is a skill that you will cultivate over time. There’s a lot to learn about spell work, and it may not all come to you quickly.

In time, you will get a grasp on the things you have learned and learn to cast spells that are more effective while learning to ensure your meditation, intention, and participation are in alignment.

Lean into your confidence when you are casting spells, and you cannot fail. When you trust yourself, your magic will follow and flow freely. Leave stress, worry, and anxiety out of your thoughts as you are casting spells as these thoughts can poison your spells.

Keep in mind that witchcraft is something that takes time, dedication, and commitment. It is not something that should ever be rushed or demanded. If you have just spent the day at school or work, your mind is in one direction. Give yourself the time to change gears and switch directions when you are trying to get into your magical mind.

Wrapping Things Up

Witchcraft spells encompass such a broad topic that it would take hours and hours to read through all of the information and research necessary to become successful at spell casting.

We hope that our guide has brought you some of the finer points to get help get you aligned with your magical mind frame, so that you may come into spellcasting with the peace of mind needed to go forward on your path.

Once you have a firm understanding of the essential elements of spells and rituals, you can complete rituals and spells in any way that suits your intention. You need only to practice your skill as you become more comfortable, things will progress on the time-frame that is right for them.

To be successful in spell-casting, you need only to have the patience and commitment to learning the ways of the craft and accepting things as they come. Let go of rigidity, be flexible, and, most importantly, have fun. Your inner witch will shine through in no time!

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