Here are two guided meditation audios with scripts, one is 10 minutes and the other one is 20 minutes long.
Copyright Notice: We own the commercial rights for these meditations and scripts. You may not make recordings or reproduce these meditations, except for your personal, private use.
Guided Spiritual Meditation: 10 Minutes
Spiritual Meditation Script
Practice this meditation in a quiet room where you will not be interrupted. Take a moment to gather your supplies. This meditation is best practiced with a candle. Once you have a candle in front of you, sit down quietly and take a moment to focus on your heart, holding the lighter. Set the intention to open up to the spiritual realms and hold this intention in your heart as you light the candle. As you watched the flame, feel your intention flickering inside of it. Feel your intention, illuminate it by the fire and feel gratitude in your heart. And with this feeling softly close your eyes.
In this moment, welcome in all of your highest, most loving spiritual energy, whether for you that is God, source, guides, angels, ascended masters, whatever resonates with you, welcome in your highest, most loving spiritual guides now and notice as you do, you feel an upliftment in your energy field.
Notice a shift and begin to see a warm blanket of white light being draped across your shoulders, wrapping you up in deep serenity in this moment. Allow yourself to be open to receiving spiritual love, guidance, and support. Let your breath be soft and gentle as you inhale and exhale through your nose, allowing your inhales to equal the length of your exhales and let yourself feel that all around you. You are receiving the connection to the spiritual energy you desire. Feel that connection in your heart. Feel that connection in your body. Feel that connection in your spirit, a connection to something greater than you, something wiser, infinitely loving, and deeply supportive.
Spend several moments just feeling that connection as you continue to visualize yourself wrapped in a blanket of warm, loving, white light.
As it feels right to you, bring your awareness to the very top of your head. You may notice a tingling sensation here. Send feelings of gratitude to this area and then allow your awareness to travel approximately one foot upwards. And as you focus on that area, just above your head, again, express your deepest gratitude by sensing these areas and sending them gratitude. You strengthen your connection to the spiritual realms. Now see from that energy center, one foot above your head, notice an orb of crystal clear light pouring out from that energy center, wrapping around your entire body. And locking place approximately one inch below the ground.
In this moment, you are anchoring higher spiritual energy into this physical body.
Feel this energy all around and within you, and notice how it is anchored into the ground, into mother earth and yet also connected to the infinite. Spend several breaths in this recognition.
When you’re ready, thank this feeling of being infinitely loved and support it.
Take that feeling with you as you slowly flutter your eyes open to softly gaze at the candle flame before you feeling gratitude in your heart. Gently blow the flame out and imagine the smoke filling your room with even more loving spiritual energy. And when you are done, bowl your head in gratitude and go about the rest of your day. Whenever you are ready.
Spiritual Meditation: 20 Minutes
Spiritual Meditation Script
Greetings, this meditation finds you on a very special day where you fully reconnect with the spiritual aspect of your existence.
get very comfortable so that you can fully relax and let go of any outside thoughts or daily concerns… You don’t need anything from the physical or mental world to cloud your connection to spirit today…
Breathe in deeply, and as you exhale, allow your eyes to close and feel a wave of relaxation gently roll over you…
Breathing some more, so that you can really get centered… closely follow the flow of your breath…
If your mind wanders, as soon as you notice, catch it and return to the focus on your breath…
To maintain a healthy and happy life, it is crucial to care for your body, and feed your mind the inspiration and teachings it deserves. There is a third aspect that completes the triangle of life, and that is your spiritual connection.
It’s now time to look for a spiritual guidance… what first comes up for you when you look towards spirituality?….
It’s time to meet your spirit guides…
There is no need to look for it further… the guide is already within you…Perhaps you are not aware of this at the moment but you already graced with its presence… Feel spirituality in you now… (pause) Breathe in a powerful breath of respect… (pause)Our intuition is a fascinating quality…. a characteristic so unique and profound, many times difficult to explain….. When your spirit deems it necessary, we are sent these intuitions that we experience as flashes of knowing, or maybe slight hunches….
Everyone experiences intuition differently… (pause) These messages and tips of advice on life tend to manifest themselves from nothing, but they are always of extreme importance…. So right now, silence yourself just enough so that you can tune into the frequency of your intuition… (pause) These feelings of intuition occur when our spirit guide is presenting something important to us…. So right now, ask your intuition anything, or simply sit with it right now… experience whatever comes your way… (pause) We all agree that there are times when everything is simply perfect…. These moments, very often, are created by our guides. In fact, connecting to spirituality can make sure that a particular event or practically impossible synchronicity occurs…. (pause) The true definition of magic…
Now it’s time to meet your spirit guide…
So, imagine you are walking in a lush green meadow.
The flowers are beautiful and scatter an enchanting fragrance in the air.
A light breeze touches your skin making you feel enlightened.
Feel the earth below your feet, supporting your each step…
On a rolling hill in the distance you see a figure approaching you. From afar, you cannot make out whether it is human, animal, or simply an element… All you know is that its presence is pure love…
It is your spirit guide… you can see them clearly now, coming close to where you stand in the meadow…
You walk and approach one another with deep respect…
Your guide holds out their hand to take you on a timeless journey, unlocking your full spiritual potential…
As soon as your hands meet – the surge of spiritual connection is instantaneous…
Your entire body and mind let go of all you have held onto that was keeping you from reconnecting to true spirit…
In this deep moment of freedom, listen to what your Spirit Guide tells you…
They tell you the secret to a long and healthy life is compassion and dedication…
Dedication towards daily efforts to reach your goals and dreams… make choices every day in the direction of ultimate health and wellness… exercise often… choose healthy foods… communicate your true feelings with those you love… breathe… create… dedicate yourself to daily meditation…
Express compassion…. for yourself through the difficult times, and for others and their struggles…
With these words they speak, you feel a deep tenderheartedness that you have forgotten until now…
Everything they tell you makes perfect sense… there is not a doubt in your mind that these words are true and you treat them as sacred….
Your spirit guide has something for you… it can be a message or an item… receive it from them… notice, what is it that you are given?… you may not know or understand the meaning of this gift right now, but you will never forget this profound exchange… you could find out days or even years into the future what this spiritual souvenir means for your life…
Hold it in your hands, or hear it through your ears…
Feel the texture of the item or notice the vibrations of the message…
Does this gift represent anything in your current life?
Good… take this experience deep within all levels of your awareness, to affect your life for the better from here forward…
You are fully connected with spirit… the triangle of life is complete… spiritual to physical to mental… all intertwined in a beautiful pattern…
Take a big breath in and thank your guide for this amazing knowledge you’ve gained… they smile at you with the most gentle and kind gaze that you can feel down to your soul…
Look around the beautiful meadow once more, seeing the lush green grass surrounding your feet…
Allow the image of the meadow to fade and take along your guide with you back to your current life, always there to guide you whenever you need…
On this sacred journey, you entered the complete consciousness, the Light, and the unconditional Love, never to be hidden from you again…
Gently return from this meditation, bringing with you an endless connection to your spiritual side… Whenever you’re ready, open your eyes.