Love Affirmations

There are different forms of love and regardless of the type of love you’re experiencing now, these love affirmations we compiled are sure to touch your heart. If you know anyone who needs to be reminded of the meaning of love, you definitely should share this page with them. Remember, life is to short so love hard, love unconditionally.


Love Affirmations


  1. I am worthy of love.


  1. I am a good person and deserve to be loved.


  1. I am worthy of love just as anybody else.


  1. Being loved is my birthright.


  1. Being single doesn’t diminish my worth.


  1. I love myself completely.


  1. I am strong, beautiful, and courageous.


  1. I release my fears and embrace my future.


  1. I radiate confidence and joy.


  1. I am learning and growing every day.


  1. My body is strong and resilient.


  1. I open to give and receive love.


  1. I attract only loving and committed people.


  1. Love comes easily to me.


  1. I am surrounded by an abundance of love.


  1. I love myself and in turn attract love.


  1. I am attracting my true soul connection.


  1. I release and forgive to open my heart.


  1. My soulmate will come to me at the right time.


  1. My marriage grows stronger every day.


  1. I am in a healthy and loving marriage.


  1. My partner and I grow together through every situation.


  1. I desire a true partnership in marriage.


  1. I am ready for the commitment of marriage.


  1. I embrace the sacredness of marriage.


  1. I am open to giving and receiving in relationship.


  1. I accept a loving, healthy, and happy partnership.


  1. I am attracting a trusting, loving marriage.


  1. I am loved.


  1. The universe is full of love.


  1. My body and soul is overflowing with love.


  1. I am surrounded by love in every way.


  1. My relationships are long-lasting and they make me feel loved.


  1. Real love starts from within.


  1. I attract strong, healthy relationships.


  1. I honor my feelings and respect others boundaries.


  1. I am in true relationship with myself and others.


  1. I foster respect and open communication with others.


  1. Healthy relationships flow freely and abundantly to me.


  1. I surround myself with positive and loving people.


  1. My partner is a loving, supporting and respectful person.


  1. I am eternally grateful to have a partner like mine.


  1. My partner makes me feel safe and secure in our relationship.


  1. The relationship with my partner is trusting, loving and loyal.


  1. I radiate love to all beings.


  1. I am full of unconditional love.


  1. My heart radiates with unconditional love towards every being.


  1. I am surrounded by people who love me unconditionally.


  1. To love unconditionally is the greatest gift.


  1. All of my relationships are long-term and offer a positive, loving experience.


  1. Love follows me everywhere I go.


  1. I am surrounded by love and everything is fine.


  1. I am surrounded by love every day in every way.


  1. I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a positive and loving relationship with my soulmate.


  1. I am a unique, special and loving human being, constantly attracting pleasant and kind people in my life.


  1. I open myself to the beauty, joy, and harmony of the Universe and I enjoy it.


  1. I am deeply grateful for all the people I love and for all the people who love me.


  1. I see everything with loving eyes and I love everything I see.


  1. I love those around me and I love myself. Others show me love.


  1. I know that my soulmate is out there.


  1. All my relationships are long- lasting and loving.


  1. I allow myself to be seen and for other people to know who I am.


  1. Every day, everywhere I go, and in everything I do, love is in and around me.


  1. I deserve love and I get it in abundance.


  1. I attract loving and caring people into my life.


  1. I am attracting my soulmate.


  1. I am worthy of deep soulful, soulmate love.


  1. I have the power to give love endlessly.


  1. I spread love to everyone around me and it returns to me in abundance.


  1. The love that I feel for my family and myself cannot be described with words.


  1. I attract relationships to me that are for the highest good of all.


  1. I naturally attract love everywhere I go.


  1. In life I always get what I give out and I always give out love.


  1. I am so happy and grateful that I am attracting in my soulmate now.


  1. My soul mate loves me very much for what I am eternally happy and deeply grateful.


  1. I encounter love in all my relationships and I love these encounters.


  1. I am attuned to the frequency of love and abundance.


  1. I am magnetic and irresistible to a positive, loving relationship.


  1. I am a peaceful, pleasant human being filled with love and shiny light.


  1. I am with the love of my life. We both treat each other with respect.


  1. I am constantly surrounded by love.


  1. I radiate unconditional love and am confident that my beloved is on their way.


  1. I develop chemistry with ease with those that I am attracted to.


  1. I declare, i am safe.


  1. From time to time, i ask those i love, how can i love you more.


  1. I choose to see clearly with eyes of love. I love what i see.


  1. Love happens. I release the desperate need for love, and instead, allow it to find me in the perfect time-space sequence.


  1. Love is around every corner, and joy fills my entire world.


  1. I have come to this planet to learn to love myself more, and to share that love with all those around me.


  1. My partner is the love of my life. We adore each other.


  1. Life is very simple. What i give out comes back to me. Today i choose to give love.


  1. I rejoice in the love i encounter every day.


  1. I am comfortable looking in the mirror, saying, i love you, i really love you.


  1. I now deserve love, romance, and joy-and all the good that life has to offer me.


  1. Love is powerful your love and my love. Love brings us peace on earth.


  1. Love is all there is.


  1. I am surrounded by love. All is well.


  1. My heart is open. I speak with loving words.


  1. I have a wonderful lover, and we are both happy and at peace.


  1. Deep at the center of my being is an infinite well of love.


  1. I am in a joyous, intimate relationship with a person who truly loves me.


  1. I come from the loving space of my heart, and i know that love opens all doors.


  1. I am beautiful, and everybody loves me. I am greeted by love wherever i go.


  1. I am safe in all my relationships, and i give and receive lots of love.


  1. I attract only healthy relationships. I am always treated well.


  1. I am very thankful for all the love in my life. I find it everywhere.


  1. Long-lasting, loving relationships brighten my life.


  1. I feel pride in myself.


  1. I am not the sum of my mistakes.


  1. I have everything I need.


  1. I feel beautiful, I am beautiful.


  1. I am empowered to create change in my life.


  1. I will focus on the bright side.


  1. I am blessed.


  1. I am healthy, well-groomed and confident. 


  1. My inner peace and harmony are matched by my outer well-being.


  1. I follow my own expectations, not the expectations of others.


  1. I am in control of my own actions.


  1. I overflow with creativity and good ideas.


  1. I do not judge myself or others.


  1. I did not get up today to just be average. I will excel.


  1. I am not my negative thoughts or emotions.


  1. I am increasing my prosperity every day.


  1. I am confident and strong.


  1. I deserve love.


  1. My inner beauty shines brightly.


  1. I am enough.


  1. My confidence is soaring.


  1. I am who I need to be.
  2. I am more than my body.


  1. I celebrate my many successes.


  1. I will not take criticism personally.


  1. I love the person I am becoming.


  1. I deserve the good that happens to me.


  1. Negativity has no place in my life.


  1. My decisions are based on inner wisdom.


  1. I do not need someone else to feel happiness.


  1. I am a diamond-in-the-rough, all I need is some polishing.


  1. Self-love comes to me with ease.


  1. I embrace my flaws, knowing no one is perfect.


  1. I have all I need to live a happy life.


  1. My struggles are just opportunities to learn.


  1. My individuality is important.


  1. I will be assertive when I need to be.


  1. I am becoming the person I want to be.


  1. I have the tools I need to achieve my dreams.


  1. When I practice self-love, I become more lovable.


  1. The universe conspires to help me succeed.


  1. I deserve good things.


  1. I control my fears, they do not control me.


  1. I love the person that I am.


  1. I am whole alone.


  1. I take responsibility for who I am, the bad and the good.


  1. Today, I choose myself.


  1. I have faith in my abilities.


  1. My life is full of love.


  1. I will stand my ground and defend myself.


  1. I respect myself.


  1. I have worth and inner beauty.


  1. I will care for myself as much as I care for others.


  1. I give and receive love freely and joyfully.


  1. I find love everywhere I go. Life is amazing.


  1. I love being with people who bring out the best in me.


  1. I see myself as being filled with love and happiness.


  1. I feel like I matter. I am a contribution to this world.


  1. I accept that I don’t have to do anything to be loved and happy.


  1. I love myself totally.


  1. I attract relationships to me that are for the highest good of all.


169.I love sharing amazing conversations with my friends, family and lover.


  1. I enjoy and thrive in the company of great friends.


  1. I love laughing and having fun in my relationships.


  1. I love that my relationships are in harmony with my highest good.


  1. I accept that I am loved and treasured for who I really am.


  1. I give and receive love freely and fully in all my relationships.


  1. I love being supported by my friends, family, and relationships.


  1. I enjoy sharing the real me in relationships.


  1. My spouse loves and accepts me just as I am.


178.I thrive and enjoy being in a loving, supportive, and happy marriage.


  1. I feel safe and secure with my partner.


  1. I adore being loved and wanted by my partner.


  1. I accept that a warm, loving, committed marriage is mine right now.


  1. I love loving and being loved by my mate.


  1. I accept perfect divine love right now.


  1. I go through life knowing how loved I am.


  1. A river of romance fills my life with love and joy.


  1. I enjoy how my partner showers me with romance.


  1. I find romance everywhere I go.


  1. I let my partner surprise and delight me with romance.


  1. I love filling my relationship with romance.


  1. I give and receive romance freely and happily.


  1. I accept that I can receive romance right now.


  1. I am open to receiving more romance in my life.


  1. I love romance and romance loves me.


  1. Every day and every way I am surrounded with love.


  1. It is safe for me to be loved.


  1. I attract love in all that I do.


  1. I choose me, I choose love. 


  1. I am so happy and grateful now that I am in a positive and loving 

relationship with my soulmate.


  1. I am thankful for the love in my life and I am thankful for my caring partner.


  1. My heart is open to receiving and giving love.


  1. I allow myself to be seen and for other people to know who I am.


  1. I am worthy of deep soulful, soulmate love.


  1. I am allowing myself to attract a healthy, loving relationship.


  1. I happily give and receive love each day.


  1. My heart is always open to love.


  1. I spread love to everyone around me and it returns to me in abundance.


  1. I am so happy and grateful that I am attracting in my soulmate now.


  1. I have the power to give and receive love endlessly.


  1. I naturally attract love everywhere I go.


  1. I am magnetic and irresistible to a positive, loving relationship.


  1. Love is attracted to me and I am attracted to love.


  1. I draw love and romance into my life with ease.


  1. I radiate love and receive it back many times over.


  1. I am beautiful and worthy of love.


  1. I am grateful for the abundance of love in my life.


  1. I trust the universe will find me my perfect match.


  1. I see love. I feel love. I am love.


  1. I radiate unconditional love and am confident that my beloved is on their way.


  1. I am allowing myself to radiate a love so powerful that my soulmate is drawn to me right now.


  1. I am safe in all my relationships, and I allow myself to give and receive love.


  1. Love is around every corner and love fills my world.


  1. Every moment of loving connection in my life brings in my adoring soulmate.


  1. I allow myself to easily attract perfect relationships into my life.


  1. I am so happy and grateful that I am already connected deeply to my soulmate.


  1. Now is the right time and place to meet my perfect partner.


  1. I am divinely irresistible to my perfect soulmate.


  1. Deep soulmate love is my divine birthright, and I call it to me now.


  1. I open my heart to myself and I trust that true love will follow.


  1. I trust myself and trust that my intuition will lead me to where I need to go.


  1. I am lovable and worthy of receiving love.


  1. It is safe for me to give and receive love.


  1. Love is flowing to me and through me at all times.


  1. I am worthy and deserving of love, romance, joy and all the good things that life has to offer me.


  1. I open my heart, and trust that true love will arrive.


  1. I am so happy and grateful that enduring, loving relationships brighten my life.


  1. I am attracting love and romance into my life, and I accept it now.


  1. My beloved, I invite you into my arms, my heart, and my life.


  1. As I learn my own lessons of love, I create a powerful force that is drawing my soulmate to me right now.


  1. Having sexy, soulful, safe and sweet love is my birthright.


  1. My desire for love comes from my truest, most sacred self. Therefore, it is blessed with the power of spirit.


  1. Every moment of loving connection in my life brings me closer to my beloved.


  1. Every time I say no to unhealthy relationships, true love comes closer to me.


  1. My beloved is on his/her way, and we will become each other’s home in the world.


  1. I seek help as I need it to heal. I talk about my past pain and work on my issues to be a better person for me.


  1. I am attractive. My body, hair, skin, teeth, eyes, and nose are all perfect.


  1. I am smart, intelligent, and wise.


  1. I will attract the love of my life, because I am the greatest love of my life. I will attract a partner who loves me too.


  1. I am doing everything I can to heal and improve myself, so that I may love myself and attract my one true love.


  1. I am amazing and extraordinary.


  1. I am where I need to be. I accept my present and have moved from past pain to loving every beautiful moment of life.


  1. I am a lover of peace.


  1. I am loved.


  1. I am creative, artistic, and ingenious.


  1. I am not my past mistakes, I have learned from them and I have grown. I am a better person.


  1. I forgive myself.


  1. I am eating healthy and doing activities I enjoy to have a healthy lifestyle.


  1. My energy is immensely powerful. I use it responsibly.


  1. I am honest and loyal.


  1. I am a great communicator. I express my thoughts, feelings, and aspirations to my partner.


  1. I have a positive growth mindset.


  1. I take responsibility for the choices I’ve made.


  1. I am happy.


  1. Everything I do, I do to the best of my ability.


  1. I know where I come from. I know who I am. I love all of me.


  1. I am kind, compassionate, and empathetic.


  1. I am liberated and my spirit is free.


  1. I am fierce and fearless.


  1. I am a person of integrity.


  1. I value all life. Human, animal, and plant life are important. My life matters.


  1. I am valued and appreciated.


  1. I respect myself and others. I am respected.


  1. I am worthy of the greatest love of all.


  1. I am the dream of my ancestors. They live within me and I honor them in any way I can.


  1. I know who I am and no one can define me or put me in a box of who they think I should be.


  1. Negative thoughts and actions are impenetrable to my positive mind and spirit.


  1. I am gifted and talented.


  1. I am love. I authentically and profoundly care for and love my black woman.


  1. I trust my spirit guide and intuition.


  1. I am confident and secure.


  1. I am brave and bold.


  1. I have everything I need in my life.


  1. I am successful and accomplished.


  1. I live a joyous life.


  1. I deserve the best that life and love have to offer.


  1. I am blessed.


  1. I am self aware and emotionally intelligent.


  1. I am selfless, considerate, thoughtful, and generous.


  1. I am trustworthy.


  1. I am the creator of my present and my future.


  1. I am whole and complete.


  1. I am grateful.


  1. I am an exceptional lover. I know how to please myself and my partner.


  1. I know what I want and need in my life and in my life partner.


  1. I love and accept all of me. 


  1. I love myself, always and completely.


  1. Today I start loving myself more.


  1. Loving myself is easy for me now.


  1. Loving myself means I am able to love others more.


  1. Deciding to love myself is a good decision.


  1. I let my love for myself increase each day.


  1. I am worthy of love and joy.


  1. I am loving myself and it feels wonderful.


  1. I am deserving of love.


  1. My self-esteem grows in proportion to my self-love.


  1. The more I love myself, the better my overall health.


  1. I love every facet of my existence.


  1. I love every part of what makes me what I am.


  1. I have complete, unconditional love within me.


  1. My soul mate is strongly attracted to me.


  1. I deserve to find love.


  1. I love being with my soul mate.
  2. My heart is open for love.


  1. I now attract the perfect partner into my life.


  1. I have more love than I even thought possible.


  1. I will attract the perfect partner into my life.


  1. In life, I always get what I give out and I always give out love.


  1. I am attracting love soon.


  1. Life is joyous


  1. I attract love in everything that I do.


  1. I am so grateful for my love life.


  1. I share my life with a perfect soul mate.


  1. I have a partner who is deeply in love with me.


  1. My partner is loving, kind, and funny.


  1. Love is my divine birthright, and I claim it now.


  1. My partner is sexy, intelligence, and everything I always wanted.


  1. A loving relationship is coming my way.


  1. The more I love myself, the more I love my soul mate.


  1. I am in the perfect relationship for me.


  1. I desire compassion.


  1. I deserve happiness.


  1. My life is filled with passion and romance.


  1. I am open to love.


  1. I release the past and let love flow into my life.


  1. I attract only healthy and loving people in my life.


  1. I am magnetic.


  1. I give and receive love.


  1. I will experience love.


  1. I have the best soul mate in the world.


  1. I will attract my best friend.


  1. I am attracting the ideal partner.


  1. I am always attracting perfect love.


  1. My mind is focused on finding my true love.


  1. I am destined to be with my soul mate.


  1. I am thankful the universe will help me find my love.


  1. I allow love to find me easy.


  1. I am ready for love.


  1. When least expected I will find my soul mate.


  1. I love openly, honestly, unconditionally and compassionately.


  1. I create love in my life with enthusiasm.


  1. I celebrate life and love every day.


  1. Miracles and magic surround me everywhere I go.


  1. I live a loving life.


  1. Love is all around me right now.


  1. I am positive and loving.


  1. I am deeply in love.


  1. I always communicate honestly, openly, and with respect.


  1. I am kind and considerate.


  1. It is important that I feel loved and secure.


  1. I can build the lasting relationship of my dreams.




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